𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛~ 𝑀𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Mom I don't want to go on", I said for the third time slumping down into a chair.

"Now honey! I know those previous events were a little...well overwhelming but you can't let that bother you! Besides check out these shoes they're beautiful (Y/N)!", my mom squealed, holding up a pair of white,heeled boots.

I pulled a half hearted smile, "They're great mom, I just don't think it's right after everything that happened..."

"Nonsense! You've earned this after all you've been through! Enjoy it while it lasts and don't give a second thought to the police station, we won't be visiting there ever again!", She laughed walking off leaving me alone in the dressing room.

The police station? Wait...of course! If Kurt had been arrested I could just visit him in the station, create some excuse, drive away to Hawaii or somewhere and live a carefree life of leisure with him! Or not... I'd promised my fans I'd meet with them after the show and my mom was keeping an awfully close eye on me unless one of my fans owned some super fast sports car, I could bribe them into taking me to the station...that's not actually a bad idea now that I come to think of it.

"(Y/N) you're on in five!", The stagehand called to me tapping his watch.

I gave him a thumbs up before taking a final glance in the mirror, not bad.

I ran onto the stage, waving to the crowd, "Good evening Los Angeles!! Thank you all so much for coming down here tonight, it means so much! I'd like to dedicate this song to my mom, without her I wouldn't be here right now!!"

What a fucking joke, I thought cringing at my previous words. Mom hadn't helped me at all, she wouldn't even hear me out.
The lyrics flowed out my mouth like blood. The perfectly choreographed steps ran smoothly in sync with the music like the drill against Jessie's head.

It never occurred to me fully that a few hours ago I'd killed someone, the more I thought about it the more entirely hilarious it became

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It never occurred to me fully that a few hours ago I'd killed someone, the more I thought about it the more entirely hilarious it became. I'd worked so hard to prevent the thing I'd became, a murderer. What a cliché...
The song came to a close, the final note ringing in my ear. The crowd erupted into applause, screaming my name people brought out their cameras, phone's all livestreaming my finale. I waved politely, blowing kisses, thanking the crowd, whatever it took to make me seem all the more irresistible to my fans. I walked off the stage, taking care to mind my every move I was still on camera after all. I turned into the dressing room, throwing off my shoes running to the back door forgetting my promise to my fans...




I shielded my face, pushing past thousands of people all desperate for attention. If only a certain spree driver would come and pick me up, I thought to myself...too bad he's in prison right now. Fortunately for me, the concert had a ton of limos waiting for the other performers, I ran into the parking lot my fans following close behind. A black convertible, alone without a driver, stood a few feet away from me. I quickened my pace begging ,mentally, that the keys would be accompanying the empty driver's seat. I flung open the door, sliding into the front seat searching for the keys. Bingo. Right seat on the left- a pair of sparkle keys. I shoved them into the ignition, slamming my bare foot against the pedal. Everything was falling into plan accordingly except from the part where I hadn't the faintest clue of how to drive. I'd seen Kurt drive before though so how hard could it be?

Within moments my question was answered for me when I found myself flying down the high way, fiddling with the multiple buttons.

The police station wasn't to far from here

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The police station wasn't to far from here...I just had to make a left turn and figure out how to stop the car. People had their phones out, recording my idiotic movements, I covered my face with one hand keeping the other on the wheel.
The police station came into view, I tugged the keys out of the ignition (seemed like the easiest way to stop it) the car stopped abruptly. I fell out of the car onto the sidewalk hastily making my way to the ominous entrance of the station. I stopped outside for a moment, i had to make myself look some what presentable. I was still wearing the skimpy dress I'd performed in and my makeup was pretty much perfect except for the smudged mascara. I wiped away any unnecessary stains on my face before stepping into the front door.

"Could I get your name miss?", The lady at the front desk asked, she had a stern expression on her face.

I took a deep breath before answering, "my name's (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm here to see Kurt"

"Listen dear, this isn't a hospital you can't just walk in demanding to visit someone...we have set times for long term prisoners.", She turned away tapping her keyboard.

"Why you-", I began

"(Y/N), shouldn't you be singing right now?"

I groaned recognising the voice immediately, Kriss.

"The concert finished like thirty minutes ago boss-"

"Listen (Y/N), you're a good kid don't get yourself caught up in this shit. Just get out of here before anyone see you, ok?"

I rolled my eyes at him before turning around the lady, "well then when can I see him?"

She looked up at me with a bored expression, " Well you can always attend his trial, make a statement and hope for the best"

She handed me a slip of paper with the trial information. I grabbed it from her, storming off out the building.

Word total: 1006

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