{ ' Sayori- I'm not really into these.."Clubs" ' }

266 3 14

YN:* you wake up early, bored because it was another Monday.. you dislike Mondays. Because who wants to get up for school on Monday.. I know I wouldn't*

YN:*you do your things, get dressed, get a bite for breakfast, brush your teeth*

YN:*as you exit the bathroom after doing your teeth, you stare at your phone, waiting for a notification from your childhood friend, sayori, she always messages you*

YN:*you pick up the phone, bit confused, you shrug and put it in your bag, she probably overslept again*

YN:*exiting the house, you walk down the road a little bit waiting by the Bush for sayori*

* 10 minutes past *

YN:*you became slightly impatient, before to your relief, your childhood best  friend sayori runs up to you out of breath*

Sayori:I over sl- sl..SLEPT. and I forrrggoott breakkfaastt- aA- 

YN:I can get you something at the canteen- or you can run back and get some food.

Sayori:heck nah- I'm too tired to run or waallkk- * she slumped on the wall *

YN:* you stared in disbelief,  as others stared while walking . *

 YN:*you gave in and gave her a piggyback*

Sayori:*she had giggled grinning, sly girl..she tricked you- oh well-*

* you both arrive at school, and part ways (after buying sayori a hot cross bun) *

* you make your way to your first class, not really paying attention, it was English first period. *

* you made your way through the schoolday, it felt shorter then usual, you find yourself looking at the club board, speculating what to join *

* all of a sudden sayori pops in, looking for something, she noticed you, but you didn't notice her, sneaking up on you *


YN:AAGH- SAYORI WHTG- MM- don't DO THAT- ...hehe- 

Sayori:whatteverr! ..you thinking about joining a clubb?

* you quickly stare away from the club board *

YN:No- ..no. 

Sayori:*she grinned, knowing your lying * come on, I saawwww youuu!

YN:alright fine- ..I might go for the anime club..only one I might get..something.

Sayori:*she thinks for a little then gasps a little* I got a club for you! I'm in It! You gotta come!

YN:I'll think..what club is it?

Sayori:Why the literature club!

YN:* you stand there silent for a bit, finally responding *

YN:Sayori I'm not really into..that club.

Sayori:* she frowned a little * pleeassee- we even made cupcakes!

YN:* you think to yourself..cupcakes are nice..might get a girl aswell..* fine, i'll go

Sayori:* she jumped with excitement before grabbing your hand * COME ON ITS STARTING SOON!! * As she ran with you speedily *

* you both arrive at the literature club *

Sayori:Here we are! *opening the doors widely * I GOT US A NEW CLUB MEMBER!

YN:that's.. not set in stone..

Sayori:alright alright- sO. We got natsuki! Yuri! And monika! And you obviously know me!

{ Doki doki Gĺ̷́̄̚͘ȋ̵̔t̶̄̊̚͝c̷̢̢͈̯̖̄h̸̎͐̇̆̅͌club  } [DDLC FAN STORY]Where stories live. Discover now