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When me and Lizzie finally broke apart she did look mad almost

What's wrong I knew this is when all her rage would come thru

What's wrong?! You made me go thru hell to find you did you know I thought I wasn't going to see you again she yelled I knew that they could hear her down stairs


And then you show up here and have sex with some guy she said crying

I felt my heart shatter

Do you even truly love me or are you just saying it

Lizzie I grabbed her hands I will always love you and only you

Is that what you told my sister before you cheated on her with me maybe we won't work out Mg was right he's always right

What about Mg

He think's it's our sire bond and of course he's right

My Tribrid eye's started to show what did he tell you

Lizzie wasn't looking at me so she couldn't see my eye's

He said he like's me and thinks he loves me and that I wouldn't be hurting Josie if me and him went out and he's right-

I vamp speeded downstairs grabbed Mg's shirt and pulled him out side and threw him

Woah! Stiles yelled

I punched Mg


I punched him again

What did I do!

You put that nonsense in her head! I pointed at Lizzie as she stood in the doorway And for that I'm going to make you suffer

Hope.. Lizzie said

I just don't love you anymore I needed to make sure you were okay

Lizzie your lying you love me and I love you that's how love works...

I'm sorry Hope

It was tear's in my eye's now

I kept punching Mg while crying until I couldn't anymore

Hey Hope it's okay Stiles said

I started shaking my head feeling my humanity slip away and just like that it was gone

I'm fine matter of fact I'm better then ever

(We're Lizzie)

I told Hope I didn't love her and I was lying thru my teeth

Please don't tell me you did it Hope..

I'm sorry Lizzie but it hurt to much so now if I kill him without any guilt we can be together without him being here

Not like this we can't I then snapped her neck

What the hell! Why'd you do you that she's dead!

Perks of being immortal snapping a vampires neck cant kill them especially a Tribrid

I picked her up

Uh where are you going to do with her by the way I'm Scott his is Stiles Allison and Lydia

I love her I'm not going to hurt her she just turned off her humanity so everything should be fine you can tag along if you'd like

You love her? Stiles said

Yes I do and I've heard about your activities with her I'm positive it won't happen again I rolled my eyes

Yeah me and Stiles are coming but the girl's stay here

Loving you hurts.Where stories live. Discover now