Chapter 18: Asking Yang out to the dance

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Y/N growns as he is starting to wake up he then puts his hand on his head as he was still a little dizzy.

Y/N: What the heck happened.

Green Goblin: I happened.

Y/N eyes widened he tries to get up but doesn't have the energy.

Green Goblin: Oh don't even try to get up the effects of the gas is still working.

Y/N: What are you waiting for then. Finish the job.

Green Goblin: *Laughs* You think I'm going to kill you after all the trouble I put myself through. No no no.

Y/N: Then what do you want?

Green Goblin: Straight to the point I like it. I came here to give you an offer.

Y/N: An offer?

Green Goblin: Yup. You see. There are eight million people in this city and those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose... Of lifting the few exceptional people onto there shoulders. But you and me. We're exceptional. we're not so different.

Green Goblin then grabs Y/N by the face.

Green Goblin: You see little Spider I could squish you like the little bug you are. But I'm giving you a chance. Join me and imagine all the sorts of things we can accomplish together. What we could create. Or we could destroy. Cause the deaths of countless innocents in selfish battle again and again until we're both dead. Is that what you want?

Then the glider flys in Green Goblin then jumps on it then crouch's to look at Y/N.

Green Goblin: Think about it hero!

Green Goblin then flys away leaving Y/N all by himself.

At Beacon

Y/N made it back to beacon he sighs of relief as he takes the suit off and puts it under his bed but that offer Green Goblin made obviously he wasn't going to except but the way he talked he knew he was a threat but then he noticed something a really strong stinging of pain he looks at his arm and sees a bruise then he realized that his body was covered in scratches.

Y/N: Oh crap. (If Yang sees this. She'll think I fallowed her.) Well at least my school uniform can cover the bruise when ever I have to go to classes.

Then he hears the door knock he then walked towards it and sees Yang and his heart drops.

Y/N: Oh uhhh hey Yang.

Yang: Hey how are you doing?

Y/N: I'm doing great. How did you mission go?

Yang: It went well we got some info out of it. He we were able to fight with that Spider-Man guy.

Y/N: Oh really. That's cool.

Yang: Yeah but then—

Yang then sees that Y/N was covering his arm with his hand.

Yang: Why are you covering your arm?

Y/N: Oh no it's nothing.

Yang then grabs his arm.

Y/N: Hey wai—

Y/N couldn't finished his sentence as Yang saw the bruises. Then she noticed the scratches on his arms and body.

Yang: Y/N.

Yang looked up at Y/N with anger.

Yang: Did you fallow us anyway when I told you not to?!

Her eyes turned red and her hair catches on fire.

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