Chapter 11: Concerns

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Not my art work

Y/N was working on his web shooters when he looked at his clothing he used and he admitted that they started to get uncomfortable to wear.

Y/N: I'll have to find something new to wear.

Y/N started to think but then he got some ideas he then checked his pockets of money and began to head out not realizing the other teachers were watching him leave.

Oobleck: I understand that Y/N is still dealing with the death of his uncle but... To be skipping classes.

Port: Should we talk to him?

Oobleck: No. I believe the only one who can get through him is ms Goodwitch. But first we have to do our classes first.

Port: *Sighs* Right.

Mini time skip

Yang wasn't paying attention to class because she's been worried about Y/N through out the entire week Yang looked back at the seat Y/N used to be in and saw that it was still empty Yang then sighs.

Blake: You're worried about Y/N?

Yang: Y—Yeah. He's been skipping class ever since that fight he had with Cardin.

Weiss: He must still be grieving.

Ruby: Yeah but he's been seen exiting his room a lot. I think he's choosing to skip class.

Yang looked down in sadness.

Blake: Well have you tried to talk to him.

Nora: Well I tried.

Team RWBY look back at Nora her and all of team JNPR all had sad faces.

Nora: But he immediately pushed me out. I really want to be there for him but. I don't think he wants it.

Jaune: We're all worried for him. Especially when I saw him last night.

Everyone looked at Jaune.

Ruby: You saw him last night?

Jaune: Yeah.

Pyrrha: What was he doing?

Jaune: Well all I saw was him walking into his dorm room but he was wearing a black hoodie and he looked around as if he didn't want anybody seeing him.

They all looked worried as Yang looked at her hands that where resting on the Stan.

Yang: (Y/N what are you doing?)

Meanwhile Y/N was at the store as he bought some blue red & black spandex. He then puts the good amount lien down as the store manager nods in approval Y/N walks with his bag but then saw someone selling random stuff Y/N then walks up to the store to see all of the random stuff he has then there was one thing that caught his eye. A pair of white lenses.

Y/N: How much dose those lenses cost?

Sails men: Twenty dollars.

Y/N then goes through his pocket then puts down his money the man looks at it and smiles as he slides the lenses towards Y/N.

Sails men: Pleasure doing business with you.

Y/N then takes the lenses and puts it in his back.

Y/N: (Alright everything is now complete now all I have to do is make the costume.)

At Beacon.

Glynda was in her dorm room and she sighs as the memories of Jason starts to flood her brain. Usually when someone close to her dies she grieves but is eventually able to move on but with Jason it was different. This was her husband the love of her life. It was a lot harder for her to move on. She was able to start lessons but she was had to keep her emotions together which was easier said then done.

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