Episode 3

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"How long has it been? A week? How have you been?" Dokja asked as Gilyeong hugged him, "huh? A text message?"

"Dokja, you have internet?" You asked, and he turned to you.

"Oh! Yeah-" Dokja read the text message and looked at Donghoon, "it's been a while since we last saw each other. Would it hurt you to just speak to me?" His phone buzzed again.

Yoosung grabbed Dokja and glared at Gilyeong.

"Mister. That boy keeps glaring at me."

"Dokja. Who is she?"

"Dokja, is there a way I can get wifi?" You asked Dokja. Both kids glared at you now, you smiled anxiously.

"This is Y/N, they're an English speaker," Sangah introduced, Gilyeong nodded.

"Donghoon, can you give wifi to Y/N?" Dokja asked, pulling out your phone. Donghoon nodded and Dokja handed you your phone.



Should you drop a hint? Or should you tell him straight up?.. Dokja didn't seem to be telling anyone so the best thing to do is drop some hints.

You opened your phone and opened Webtoon, good, it was still there. You were on Episode 112 and currently, you were living the life of Episode 95. Episode 113 just dropped, should you read it right here?


Was it filtered? If so, thank god.

"What are you reading?" Dokja asked, peeking over your shoulder, you jumped and quickly shut off your phone.

"Just some Webtoon..." You chuckled, Dokja stared at you, before talking once more.

"Webtoon? During the apocalypse?"

"Well, it's still updating, and the novel is finished already! I mean... Don't you read novels in the apocalypse?" You said, whispering the last part. Dokja flinched.

"What did you say?" You gave your best, play-dumb face.

"The Webtoon is still updating? And the novel is finished already?" You said forging innocence, Dokja looked at you like he saw a ghost, "what were you talking about before?"

"We- We were talking about how we should stay here and maximize our skill, get coins, and get some high stats," Dokja informed, "how many coins do you have?"


"Zero?!" "ZERO?!" Dokja and Sangah exclaimed at the same time, everyone turned to them with a confused expressions.

'Zero coins and they survived this long? I really need the lie detection skill...' Dokja thought, "I'll help you get some coins later, right now, just take a few. Hold your finger out."

You held your finger and Dokja transferred some coins to you.


2,000 wasn't a lot, but it was better than zero.

"Oh, right, Sangah?"


"Did you manage to get in contact with your family?" While Sangah went on her phone, you opened your Webtoon and read Episode 95 and above, you had to memorize this, and from the looks of it, you didn't have the memorization thing Dokja had.


While Dokja slept (Omniscient Reader Stage 3), you memorized a bit of the upcoming events. Yoosung and Gilyeong started bickering, which meant Dokja should be around at this time.

Was it filtered for Dokja? You grimaced, you still had a lot to remember and you don't know when Dokja would leave. You just prayed he couldn't see it.


Oh, fuck! The Sub Scenario!
Dokja who had been watching Yoosung and Gilyeong bicker noticed you who had a grimace on your face, holding your phone. Maybe he could see what you were reading.

He floated over to you and to his surprise, the screen was black! Perhaps it had run out of battery? But you were obviously scrolling through something. Dokja pondered until you shut off your phone and lay down looking worried.

Did you perhaps know he was there?
When Dokja awoke you were still laying down looking like you might pass out.

"What's wrong with them?" Dokja asked the kids who were bickering once more.

"Sangah says they forgot about the Sub-Scenario and haven't slept and they're worried they might die," Gilyeong explained before Yoosung could, which earned him a glare.

They hadn't slept? Is that why they laid down before?

"Hey! Y/N!" Dokja called out, you turned to him, "the nights over, if you hadn't slept, you'd already be dead."

You processed the information and sat up, confused. You hadn't slept and even the constellations knew, they were watching you! You checked the scenario to see a notification from the Star Stream itself.

You were exempt for one day since you had arrived late, but after that, you had to eat, sleep, and pay the survival fee.

"It... It must have slipped my head," You explained, damn it! If you'd known that you could've read more!


"I must have kept you all waiting. Did you enjoy your survival activities?"

Everyone started running to the Dokkaebi and you scrambled after them. You had reached the Dokkeabi Paul and Dokja was smirking. Other Dokkaebis then appeared, Bihyung being there as well.

"But luckily for you... There are beings out there who pity the situation you're in. So, now... We'll begin the second <Support Selection>."


Oh, shit.

Kim Dokja was Supposed to Be the Reader [Dokja & Reader]Where stories live. Discover now