Episode 2

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"Come with us!"

Come with them? Really? Off the bat?

"Can I really? You don't even know me, we just met!" You exclaimed.

"Of course, but it was obvious you didn't know much, perhaps you were stuck in that skill the entire time and weren't able to learn because of it. It's a bit absurd but it didn't seem like you know a lot," Dokja explained



In all honesty, you were not a character, but it didn't seem like you knew much considering you didn't even know your attributes. You even went undetected by the constellations. Dokja wanted to see what you could do.

You looked at Dokja and looked around. You didn't know what to say really.

"What's wrong?"

"I just don't know how to respond..." You chuckled nervously.

"I see, well I lied. I'm Kim Dokja," He introduced, you didn't question the lie since you already knew. Sangah was hesitant, but she introduced herself.

"I am Yoo Sangah, pleased to meet you," Sangah greeted, she was really formal. You waved, grinning like an idiot (Nervously).

"This is Shin Yoosung." Shin Yoosung waved, cautious. You stood there anxiously, like a lost little kid.

"Do you have a supporting constellation?" Dokja asked, you looked up at him and shook your head.

"Really? That was fast. Do you even know what a constellation is? It didn't seem like you knew of your skills until right now," Dokja laughed. Wow, this fucker was sly.

"I know that much," You mumbled, rolling your eyes. He chuckled.

"Anyways, before you came we were going to swim across that river," Dokja informed, pointing to the water with the... What were their names? Water Dragons? You already knew how it was gonna go so you simply nodded.


You looked down at your jacket pocket.

Your phone. It was still here.

Quickly you opened it and saw everything was still there. Of course... You didn't have wifi or a waterproof phone.

"I- Uhm, is there a way you can put my phone somewhere without it dying in the water?"

"Out of all the things. You could die to those but you're interested in your phone? Almost like it's important," Dokja laughed, muttering the last bit, "here give me your phone."

You handed him your phone and he put it in his coat.

You all were walking in the water, you and Yoosung on some debris. (You're only 15, you're like a freshman. THAT IS A KID.) You gave a nervous smile to Yoosung while waving, she waved back.

Dokja looked at both of you. You had forgotten, but he was thinking how a regular girl, Yoosung, couldn't have survived the fifth scenario.

He did think that, but he also thought how a kid that was only a few years older than Yoosung couldn't survive either. You looked completely lost, you weren't a character, and you could apparently disappear from the constellation's gaze.

"Yoosung," He called to her, both of you looked at him. You weren't able to understand him this time, maybe because he was talking to Yoosung? You hadn't memorized the webtoon's dialogue, so you had to guess.

Kim Dokja was Supposed to Be the Reader [Dokja & Reader]Where stories live. Discover now