Chapter eight

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Denise hardly said a word when Cassie Perez came to take her away. She attempted to make the ranger go away claiming her rights were being violated. But that didn't go very far since Liam walked in before she could finish.
"Denise Davidson how are you?" He asked being casual.
"What is this?" She asked. "You can't just budge in her! I have rights!"

"And so did all of the children you killed," Liam responded holding up a folder of pictures and names of all the foster children that once lived in her house. "So did my family but you cheated and stole our home." Denise's face went numb even as Cassie took out a pair of handcuffs.
"I didn't do it on purpose!" Denise exclaimed.
"I think you've said enough," Liam answered. "I have evidence from a reliable witness that you purchased UV lights, and placed them in your home."
"Do you deny it?" Cassie asked since Denise didn't respond to the question.

"I didn't know they were dangerous Avis tricked me!" Denise declared but neither of them believed her despite her story about being blackmailed by him.
"Denise Davidson I'm arresting you for child engagement, attempted murder, child neglect, and for stealing another family's property." Cassie said cuffing the district attorney up. Denise once again tried to defend herself as she was pushed away wanting to explain herself. But Liam firmly told her to tell it to the judge, there was a time where he would have felt sorry for her, but after all she had done to his family he felt no sympathy.

Cassie prepared to take Denise away and messaged some collages to come Investigate the house. A bunch of other Texas rangers searched the house, finding emails between Avis and Denise on her laptop, old foster family papers, medical records, and instructions for lights from a tanning bed. Colton came down from upstairs hearing all the noise and asked from an explanation.
"I'm sorry you have to find out this way Colton but your mother has been assisting a psychotic CEO hiding behind a pretty face." Liam explained.
"What Mom tell me that Liam is wrong," Colton respond looking at his mother with pleading eyes. Denise didn't say anything she was too ashamed of what she had done to look at her son. "Go on tell him." He said beginning to get emotional.

"I can't because he's right," Denise admitted. "I've done a lot of things I'm ashamed of so that I could keep us from losing everything again," she continued. "And that working for a mad man against my will, and people got hurt." Colton was speechless wondering whose side he should be on. He desperately wanted to believe that his mother was lying but given the situation around him, she clearly wasn't.
"You have the right to remain silent." Cassie said pushing Denise out the door and towards her car.

Liam apologized once again to Colton, he was still just a kid and he didn't want to separate a child from his mother. It was what his own family went through, but he was only doing his job.
"I'm so sorry about all this," Liam said. "You shouldn't have to go through all this, you're just a kid."
"No don't be sorry," Colton answered. After everything he seen happen between the Walkers and his family, he was beginning to think his mother was going too far. She cheated during the race, practically kicking the Walkers out of their home, arrested Bonhom Walker, and did who knows what else. "I didn't want to believe it, but she wasn't who I thought she was."
"You're a good kid Colton," Liam said to him. "Don't ever lose that."


Felicia was silent for several seconds before she faked laughed, there was no way she could be his eldest daughter. He told her himself that she had died after being born, so how was that possible?
"Walker that isn't funny," she said. "How could that be possible?"
"You think I'm lying?" Cordell asked in surprise. He was a little hurt that after everything she didn't believe he was telling the truth. It was like fate had given him back his daughter only for her to be cruely snatched away again.

"But I can't be." Felicia responded. Confused by his hurt reaction and beginning to put the pieces together in her head. It was like memories that she had no chance of recalling were trying to resurface.
"I would never lie to you kiddo," Cordell responded taking her hand. "I know its a lot to take in and I didn't know until a few minutes ago," he continued. "but you were taken from me by Avis, your 'mother' Roseline posed a nurse and stole you from the hospital," he kept going.

Felicia was shocked and for split second recalled the dreams she used to have. She always felt like she was being dragged away from someone who loved her, but never knew who it was. The dream was always fuzzy and she could see anything except for bright lights. She knew him and he wouldn't make a story like this up, and it would explain why she often used the name Ashyla  as one of her codenames. Because it was her real name and the key to her real father who she thought for so long didn't care about her. It also explained why she had always felt safe with Cordell and Emily, some part of her knew who they really were. "Honey are you alright?" Cordell asked.

For awhile she didn't answer, she only shed a few tears realizing that he was telling the truth and her life had been a lie.
"If what you say is true than who am I?" She asked. "I've spent my whole life trying to hide my identity but maybe I don't know my real one," she continued. "Was I supposed to be this way? And where does this leave us?" Cordell looked at his daughter with a sad glance, her eyes were glassy most likely reflecting his own emotions. He didn't know how to approach this either, in a way maybe he had always known who she was, but shut that down because of how Avis had changed her. This confusing reunion with his long lost daughter, wasn't exactly the one he wanted.
"Same as always Ashyla, family."

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