Chapter seven

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Jessy eventually decided that she couldn't stay in someone's else house while her girlfriend was out there. Liam had gotten a call from the hospital about Cordell being in a car accident, and something told her that Felicia had been a part of it. It didn't help that Asher kept pulling on her wanting to know where his mother was. Eventually he would figure out that something was wrong and would get upset.

"I'm leaving." She said picking up Asher.
"Jessy you can't! As soon as you go out there Avis will send someone looking for you." Jake responded. The news about Avis's condition had gone public and he while he was still recovering, Miles had promised not rest until he arrested Fulcrum and her assailants arrest for attempted manslaughter. Along with the other crimes she had committed, Jessy shuddered to think about what Felicia would go through. If her fears were correct than she would not only go to jail again but put on trail with the possibility of the death plenty. She couldn't allow that to happen and have Asher be left an orphan. Avis could never know that Asher was his son, who knows what that psycho would do to the kid?

Felicia had sealed his birth records so that Avis could never look through them, and even if he tried she said that Asher's father was Jake. It had been awkward experience but it was the only option she could think of.
"I know but I can't just sit here and wonder if she's on her death bed!" Jessy exclaimed. She wiped a few tears from her eyes. "I have to see her, just hold onto him until I get back." She handed Asher to her brother who despite being in a wheelchair held the restless toddler.
"You shouldn't go alone I should come with you," Jake protested. "I would never forgive myself if something happened to you."

"I know but we have to make sure that all her hard work hasn't been for nothing," Jessy responded. "We owe her that much, I'm going to go see her and do what I can to help." She turned on her heels and left without giving her brother the chance to say anything. Worried that his sister was going to get himself in trouble, he placed Asher down on the floor so that he could talk with Liam. Asher saw that Jessy was leaving and because Jake had put him down, the toddler decided to follow her. His three year old brain knew that Jessy was going to find his mommy, so if he went with her he could see his mommy again.


Stella and August were worried when Felicia still hadn't woken up, they knew she needed rest. But shouldn't she be conscious?
"Do you think she'll be okay?" August asked.
"I honestly don't know," Stella answered. She hadn't seen the damage of the car or know what Felicia's doctors had found in her x-rays. Stella stepped away from the unconscious Felicia and asked the question burning in her mind. "Do you think its really true?"
"What?" August asked.

"That she's our sister." Stella answered. It was hard for her to think about because while her faint memories of Felicia were coming back. The teenager was beginning to feel like Felicia was the favorite. She knew her father didn't love them any less than he did her. But he had been spending so much time with her that she almost envied Felicia, for the fact that Cordell never seemed to scold her for stealing. Her father had so upset with her when she was getting in trouble to get his attention. But he didn't give that level of lecturing to her supposed older sister.

"I don't think it matters Stell," August answered. "She needs our help and Mom always said the worst action is taking none at all." Felicia's hand twitched able to hear what the two were saying despite being asleep. Her eyes were heavy from all the pain medicine and she wondered if Cordell had told them about his plan to adopt her. He probably told them ten years ago but a lot had happened between then and now, so he needed to come clean on his intentions. What else could they mean by asking questions like that?

"I know but I just want this mystery to be over," Stella responded crossing her arms. "We were already in a tight place after the Davidsons and now this is happening," she continued. "Our long lost sister is alive and I want to be happy," she kept going. "But all I feel at the moment is that Dad loves her more."
"Stella that's ridiculous!" August exclaimed.
"You know he does." Stella declared.
"No he doesn't!" August yelled back.
"Yes he does!" Stella screamed. "And I feel bad saying that because she is cool, but the truth hurts August."

The two began bickering in a typical sibling manner and realizing that fighting would only make things worse. Felicia forced open her eyes and sat up literally coming in between their argument.
"Stop it both of you!" She yelled. "Its one thing to scream at each other in a hospital when someone is trying to sleep," she continued. "But fighting over family is worse." Just like when they were young Stella and August stopped fighting. The two looked ashamed and Felicia told them both to apologize acting like an older sibling.
"I'm sorry," Stella said. "To both of you, we just don't know what to do."
"It's okay Stella I don't either," Felicia answered. She sat up a little bit wanting to make herself more comfortable. "Ugh I hope Jake still has that drive."

"What drive?" August asked. Before he left the house with Stella he saw Jake, Felicia's boyfriend he guessed give his uncle a flash drive. He didn't say what was on it just that it had everything he needed to know.
"Oh well Arthur Avis hides his plans in paintings," Felicia explained. "They're not his they belong to my...former best friend Cleo," she continued. "Her father painted them and Avis got them after he framed his father for a murder," she kept going. "The man has been using any means necessary to become rich and famous."
"That's why you've been looking for dirt on him," Stella realized. "You know he's been hurting people."

Felicia nodded and pushed a lose curly from her hair out of her face. Of course that's why she was doing all this, she wanted to help people but couldn't do it in a natural because of how poor and sick she was. But no matter the consequences she wouldn't stop until all people like Avis were brought to justice.
"Yeah I do, I'm unfortunately one of those people," Felicia admitted. "But he's not the only person I've found dirt on, I've found a ton of evidence on people like..."
"Stan." August finished for her.
"Yeah I found something suspicious about him awhile back and left it with your uncle," Felicia answered. "Anonymously of course but I saw you guys were struggling and I needed to help."

"Oh my gosh thank you!" Stella exclaimed crying a bit and hugging her much to Felicia's shock. "Spend all the time you want with our dad, you earned it." Felicia was still confused but before she could ask questions someone knocked on her door.
"Hey kiddos," Cordell said. August went up to him and commented that he looked like he had been crying but looked better. "Yeah emotional day, can you guys give us a minute?" He asked. "I need to talk with Felicia than we can go."
"But Walker they said you needed to rest." Felicia protested. While she desperately wanting to get out of her so she could see her son and companions again. She didn't want to have Cordell strain himself.

"I'll be fine kiddo, like I said earlier I've had worse injuries from the Marines," Cordell responded. Stella and August looked at each other seemingly understanding what he needed to say and hugged him before leaving the two alone. Felicia was surprised by that reaction from both of them, especially when it involved her. Oh no she thought to herself, what if the doctors found something bad? Am I dying?  "Felicia, there's something I want to talk to you about."
"How bad is it?" Felicia asked. "Did they say?"
"No this isn't about your injuries I'm talking about something that I just found out," Cordell answered. "But before I go on where did you hear the name Ashyla?"

Felicia wasn't sure how to answer because she know if she had a direct answer. Expect for this one thought in her head that had been sitting there all her life.
"I used to have this dream," she answered. "Its all blurry but I'm in a hospital room and there's a woman she says Ashyla," she continued. "And after that the dream becomes fuzzy and all I see is bright light, I don't even know if it's real," she kept going. "Why do you ask?" Cordell frowned unsure of the reaction he was going to receive.
"Because you're Ashyla, my long lost daughter."

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