Chapter 3

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So I actually haven't finished the vampire diaries because Netflix got so expensive lol I got to about the 8th episode of season 4 so I'm sure some of the things I say aren't going to be accurate in the show, so I just wanted you, readers, to know that this doesn't really follow the timelines. Also, nova doesn't know about the vampires or anything of the sort, she's a little clueless. Grammar mistakes were made.

Warning: swearing?  Mentions of weed

Eventual: Elijah Mikaelson x OC, Niklaus Mikaelson x OC, Kol Mikaelson x OC, Rebekha Mikaelson x OC, Finn Mikaelson x OC

Ending: Mikaelson Family x OC

Words- 2912

                                                                                Chapter 3

Nova is practically sprinting to her first class, looking between her schedule and the halls to make sure she didn't run into somebody. 'First period, first period' she said over and over in her mind looking back down at the paper she slows to a slight jog so she can see the paper better.

Student Name: Cassanova Azul Gilbert

Alias: Nova

Sex: F


Period 1: World History-Room 104

Teacher: Alaric Saltzman

Period 2: Economic Development- room 120

Teacher: Scott Carter

Period 3: Calculus-room 111

Teacher: Lois Ross

Period 4: Physical Education-Gymnasium

Teacher: Finn Mikaelson

Lunch AB

Period 5: Foreign Language- room 109

Teacher: Jane Allen

Period 6: Free period

Period 7: Homeroom- room 102

Teacher: Finn Mikaelson

Nova only has enough time to process the first couple of classes before shoving the paper into her bag and rounding the corner to room 104. As she walks up to the door her nerves are running haywire and she feels like she's about to explode. She opens the door and steps inside and is immediately stared at by everyone in the room. She can start to feel the room close around her, until she hears a familiar voice, one that brings her immediate comfort. "Hello, may I help you?" She's grateful he isn't being anything but her teacher at the moment. Alaric Saltzman was another person she held dear. Alaric helped her through losing her Aunt Jenna as her death also hit him hard as well. When Nova heard she had died in a car accident just like her parents she was numb, she lost another family member to a car accident, and it hurt. She could only imagine the pain Alaric went through when she died. So, she was grateful for him and everything he had done for her. Nova lowers her head trying to cave into herself to try and make herself smaller. She walks up to his desk and hands him her late slip, he takes it from her and takes the opportunity to lean over to whisper in her ear "You, ok?" She rises up a little to give him a nod, he gives one back, and leaning back up he talks to her as a normal student. "Alright, there's an open seat in the back row or one in the front if you prefer, please choose one and we'll get started." She sent him a grateful look and walked to the seat at the back of the class. "Alrighty then, hello everybody I'm sure you know who I am, at least you should already because I've been teaching some of you since freshman year." The class erupted into a bunch of giggles and snorts. As Alaric Continues on through the introductory lesson, she opens her bag to get everything she needs, her crumpled schedule falling out of her backpack and onto the floor. The boy next to her noticed this and picked it up handing it back to her "Hey I think you dropped this.'' The boy said. She looked up to see who was speaking to her and she instantly screamed at herself. The boy was none other than Arnold Copeland, a boy who she knew well, and she wished she didn't. "Oh, thanks." She snatches the paper from him, smoothing it out on the desk as Arnold speaks up "It looks like we have the same lunch." he says with a smile she doesn't give one back "Yup, looks like it." she replied. Arnold is a bit of an oddball; he wasn't popular by any means more on the nerd side of the school spectrum. The only bad thing about him, he swore up and down that she was the love of his life. This year was going to be her worst one yet.

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