Chapter- 17

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Remi and Marg decided they were going to spend the night as well. They claim it's because it's too late to leave. I mean, that's a valid point, but I don't think that's the complete truth. I think they wanna see if Liv and I will be ok.

I made a deal with Skylar that we can watch one movie before she has to go to bed. We decided on Zombieland.

Halfway through the movie, Skylar fell asleep. I nudged her to wake her up. "What?" She mumbled.

"Say goodnight to everyone and I'll take you to bed." My child huffed, but obeyed none of the less. They said goodnight to all three of our guests. I lead Sky to her room and tucked her in. "Goodnight, kiddo. I love you."

"I love you too mom. Thanks for the best birthday ever." I smiled as she gave me a hug and a kiss.

"Any time, Sky." I left her room and returned to the living room. "What's the story? Are we finishing the movie or are we going to bed too?"

"We can finish the movie, I don't mind." Remi said, to which Liv and Marg agreed.

We finished Zombieland and I realized we're gonna have to go to bed now. Remi and Marg are fighting sleep. Liv on the other hand, lost the battle with sleep a few minutes ago.

"Should we wake her up?" Marg asked which earned a shrug from Remi.

"No, you two go to the guest room. I'll take Liv to my room and I'll take the couch."

"I personally thought you'd love to share a bed with her." I gave Marg an eye roll as I scoffed. They shared a smirk with Remi.

"Marg, don't start."

"Too late, I already did."

"Goodnight!" Whisper yelled to her and Remi. I picked up Liv and carried her to my room.

I thought she'd be uncomfortable in the outfit she's wearing, so I woke her up and offered a pair of my sweatpants to sleep in. "Wait, where are you going?" Her voice is groggy and she's slurring on her words.

"I'm gonna sleep on the couch." She grabbed my wrist to stop me from leaving.

Liv pulled the covers away and moved over, leaving room for me. "This is your house and your bed. I'm not letting you sleep on the couch. There's plenty of room for the both of us. Plus, it's not like we haven't shared a bed before, Blake."

I hesitated, but gave in. Liv is right. It shouldn't be a problem. "Alright, fine." I got comfortable and closed my eyes. "Night, Gionna."

I heard her yawn. "G'night, Blake."

~Ye ol' dream sequence~
I woke up, not knowing what happened. I looked around and noticed clothes on the floor. I'm naked under the covers. My heart rate spiked as I realized I slept with someone. No, not again. Not this dream again.

The figure next to me rolled over, revealing a very naked Liv. "Blake, what's wrong?"

"No, no, no, no, no. You have to go. He's gonna be coming!" I felt the nerves come on, knowing what's gonna happen next. "There's no time, you gotta hide! He's coming!"

"Blake, calm down and take a deep breath." Liv sat up and cupped my cheek. "Who's coming?"

"Griffin! He's gonna see us. He's gonna want to patch things up. I'll send you away and he's gonna hit me and yell at me-" I cut myself off because I felt my lip quiver.

"Babe, it's ok. Everything is fine. That was years ago. You just had a bad dream." I closed my eyes as Liv caressed my cheek with her knuckles, but opened them out of shock. I felt something cold.

I looked at her hand, seeing a ring. "You mean, I'm safe?"

"Yes, babe. You're safe here. I've got you." She pulled me down and had me lay my head on her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair to calm me down. "Go back to sleep, Blake. I love you."

"I love you too, Gi."

~End of Dream~

I woke up the next morning feeling well rested and comfortable. Almost.....too comfortable. Once I let myself wake up more, I realized Liv and I are cuddling. We're in the same position that we were in the dream I just had. Her one hand is tangled in my hair too.

The idea of waking up next to someone is so foreign to me. Especially because I tried so hard to close myself off and to not let anyone in. Laying here like this while someone is holding me, it feels right.

Then I remembered the woman who's holding me is Liv. All I can think about is how terrible I've been to her. I feel like it's made me a terrible person and yet she forgave me for everything. That has to mean something. I need to stop beating myself up. I have to let myself be forgiven.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. I untangled myself from Liv and got out of bed to see who's there. It's Skylar. "Hey, kiddo, what's up?"

"I made breakfast. Want some French toast?" I nodded and walked to the kitchen with Sky. Remi is already up. No doubt they either helped Skylar or made sure she didn't burn down the house.

"Where did Liv go?" Remi asked and gave me a look.

"She's still sleeping." I sat at the dinner table beside Remi. I smiled at Marg as she emerged out of the guest room. "Liv didn't like the idea of me sleeping on the couch in my own house. So, we shared the bed."

"Oh really? I bet you liked that." Remi and Marg snickered at their comment.

"Rem, not in front of Skylar." I whispered and looked to see if she was listening in. She's got headphones in and is listening to music while cooking. "I don't need anything serious right now. I just need to focus on my career and Skylar. That kid over there is everything I need right now." I heard a couple meows and looked down. Dante and Salem are at my feet, rubbing against my legs. "Yes, you too. Can't forget about my boys." I reached down and scratched their ears.

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