Unwanted II - Rei Sakuma

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Currently it is Wednesday here like when I'm started to write part 2 ! I might post this on Friday or somewhere in the weekend. I hope you guys enjoy because I'm balancing all my chores, schoolwork and all the things I like all together.

Enjoy 🫶

"I was never good enough for someone's love and yet he came to my side when I needed it the most."

Yumenosaki High School, a place where students could learn to become idols and fulfill their dreams. I learned to sing because Rei had already taught me before I moved into a new place.

Ah, the incident that caused my parents to kick me out of their place and gave me away to my Aunt and Uncle. They were better than my parents, ever since my cousin passed they were never had a child live with them. Luckily, I was the same age as her and right now they treat me like I'm their daughter in the best way possible.

Anyways, it's my first day at Yumenosaki High school as a 2nd year student. Middle of the year and transferring already? It took me awhile to find everything about Sakuma (not in a creepy way). Plus I had to save up money to move here and live by myself. Aunt and Uncle are comfortable with their home already so they just decided to stay in Obu (Japan).

"This is our new transfer student, please be kind and welcoming everyone. I'll have Tsukasa Suou show you around later."

This would be the perfect romance that I always longed for! The smart and handsome boy Rei Sakuma and the transfer student, ME! I hope he remembers me, I mean it hasn't even been that long! Maybe about 6 years?

"Pardon me, I seem to have not recall anything of you."

It was a total mistake to go up to Rei and suddenly ask him a question.

"Ah, my apologies! I got the wrong person! I thought you were a childhood friend of mine."

Of course I know, I just don't wanna sound like and idiot in front of him! Plus, saying "Ah," is my idol catchphrase thing now! Once I find myself a unit, I'll be able to talk to Rei like an Idol.

"No worries, be careful this school is very dangerous for a young one like you."
He spoke.

No way you can't call me young when I'm only a grade lower than you. I mean maybe just an advice because this school has some dark secrets I already heard about.

Anyways, this "story" isn't what I expected it to be when we first met. At first it was boring and we don't speak to eachother unless it's something important.

But, winter break just ended and classes are back in session. I already thought of multiple ways to speak with Rei and I always practiced this at night to overcome my mental condition. It's easy but It's just that I can't really speak properly and always stutter.

"Go out with me."

Unexpectedly Kaoru from undead started hitting on me. Maybe I could make Rei jealous? I bet he won't even care! What's the point? Let's try something new... SIKE!

"I-I s-sorry, l-l-like a-a-another und-death"
Supposed to be: I'm sorry, I like another undead member.

I didn't practice this at home so I'll be all messed up! If I was the old me, I would just ignore him so it's better to speak than to runaway like a coward!

He smiled at me and said he understood. He grabbed my hand and dragged up inside the building. Unable to speak properly, I waited for him to say something to me but, he only dragged me in a practice room with Rei sitting and waiting for me inside.

"My, someone actually could actually reject a gentleman like Kaoru? I must be of special value to you."

I opened my mouth but before I could say anything he continued.

"You must be in disbelief, you never thought I wouldn't have noticed you secretly following my every move~ it's been awhile afterall and yet you're the curious cat I've known."

Upon hearing the door slammed shut with only leaving me and Rei inside, the atmosphere tenses up.

"Kaoru did me a favor and helped me get you here. Counting the confession too, yes. My, how lucky am I to have found someone as loyal as you?"

Confused, happy, sad, angry, and all kinds of emotions isn't enough to describe what I'm feeling. It all seemed like a clichè fanfic wrote by an another that's literally running out of ideas.

He held out his hand, almost calling me to reach for it.

"I am a vampire, you are a ghost. We should be stick together, afterall we've been always the "unwanted" ones."

I reached out and held his hand, recalling all the memories from before.

After you died, I kept seeing hallucinations of you. I've missed you ever since and I was never the same.

"Rei Sakuma! I-I-I brought somet-thing for y-y-you!"

"Oh? This is the wrong thing my friend please get the correct flower I wanted."
A memory of the past replays in my head, the day you died.

"I-I w-ill climb the t-tree!"

I should've kept an eye on you instead of reading a book. I should've been more responsible...

20, 30, 40 minutes passed? I decided to check if you were still searching.

"My friend are you okay?"
I searched around only to find you laying in the grass, lifeless with the flower I wanted to study.

The hospital and your parents were called, it seemed like you climbing the tall tree and fell down. It's been like that for too long that you didn't make it alive. I'm sorry, forgive me.

I woke up in my dark and gloomy room. "3:00AM"

"I thought I forgot about you, I hope you continue to haunt me, my friend, my ghost."


You died because you tried to climb a tree to get a certain flower that Rei wanted and you fell off the branch and died. Rei from now on has been imagining/creating fake scenarios of you and him being together and he would tell the story in your perspective at 3:00AM when you died. He decided to end his scenario with you and him being happy together.

A/N: this is a kinda sad fanfic so I hope you guys liked the plot twist!
One of the hints I gave out was the ghost and the vampire. Hehehe~


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