I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter seventeen

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              "So, How was the school today?" I asked Tweet, while we were in the car in our way to the bookshop, I was looking in the review mirror, trying to avoid looking at him so that he can never have the chance to look me in the eyes, or so that I can never have the chance to look at him in the eyes, or remember what I badly wanna forget … " Nothing is up, but It was boring today without you .." He answered, with a smile and a bored tone, I smiled at the mirror … The way he makes me blush .. "yeah, I bet " I said teasing him, he giggled … The way he makes my world revolve around his laugh …  I realized that not looking at him was a good way to avoid those creepy thoughts, let's continue this way .. "Can I ask you a question?" I said, "Of course" , " Did you send that sweet pea?" I asked,  he seemed surprised " Oh! How did you know it's a sweet pea?" , " Lara told me, so you're the one that sent it?" , " Yes, I put it there when I  came yesterday to tell your grandma that you're gonna be late … " he answered, I didn't know that he told her, how could he be so good to me? the way he makes me feel I'm actually something .. I couldn't help it but turning my head from the review mirror to look at him while saying " It's so beautiful, thank you", he felt my gaze on him, he turned to meet my eyes, I felt a shiver went through my body when he smiled at me, that smile I know it, it was just like my … my faked one …not about happiness, just like a sweet pea in the middle of a cold winter " You're welcome" he said, I looked immediately back at the review mirror, unwilling to think of these thoughts or those thoughts , I quickly asked so he can't notice my reaction " But what does it mean?" moving my left hand in the air, he looked back at the road " Didn't Lara give you a clue? I mean since she knew the name by looking at it, she must have known the meaning. " He said, " She said she didn't know, oh wait, she joked saying …" I remembered what happened with Lara, and her unfunny joke, but if she knew it why would she hide it?  " In any case, I'm not gonna tell ya!" He interrupted my thoughts saying that with a funny tone, seemed to be teasing me " Oh, Come on!" I begged him, it was killing me to know, " Nop, You should figure it out yourself " , " Duh how am I supposed to know it!" , " I don't know, internet, the bookshop, wait is it the one out there" he said pointing at the bookshop, I've been guiding him all the way, and now we arrived " Yes, it is"  I answered, we got out of the car and headed to the door …

As we entered, Miss Daniele was surprised to see me, we greeted and I explained that I was busy that's why I didn't come for a couple days and she understood, but then when she noticed that Harry wasn't a customer or a reader, he was standing steps away from me, she whispered "could that be your boyfriend?" , I blushed at the way she said boyfriend , and nodded shyly, she whispered "Good luck honey, you deserve the best …" , I smiled "yes please, I need luck …" , "what? Is it complicated or something?" , "I don't know… maybe, he's just so perfect but I'm not optimistic.." I said in a worried manner, she smiled calming me down " everything is gonna be great … you deserve it .."

  Harry 's P.O.V

       I stood there, steps away from Michelle, that girl, the way she makes me melt when she calls my name, the way she made me head over heels in love within just a few days, It's marvelous how love can control us this way, I don't know why her, it's weird how when you hear a joke from somebody it looks lame, but from your love it's hilarious ... We only had one date, and it hasn't been so long since the first time we met, but it was enough for me to know how different she is and special, I still remember our first conversation, unforgettable …

 She was talking to the lady in the desk, while I was checking the bookshop out  looking left and right, when she finished we headed to a line of bookshelves, " Seems like, we have a lot of work to do!" she said while handing me a small piece of cloth, I smiled as our hands touched, and remembered a song I heard once "So tell me girl if every time we Touch You get this kinda rush ,Let me say yea a yeah “ I sang, she joined me  “If you don't wanna take this slow, If you just wanna take me home, Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah

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