I Want "Tweet" The Boy - Chapter Eighteen

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#Note: In this chapter, when  you find this ( **) it means that the P.O.V is changed from Molly, to Tweet  … So I'm gonna start with Molly and it's going to be changed kinda a lot .. 

    "Molly? Did you hear what I was saying?" I heard a voice, that interrupted my thoughts, I was staring at the window next to me in my classroom, while the teacher was saying something, "Uh, S- Sorry, I will concentrate, sir" I stuttered…. I used to be the nerd, so that shouldn't change now …

But I can't help it, what happened yesterday, what he told me, A break? Why? Did I do something wrong? Maybe he doesn't like me anymore , Why? After I have found someone who's  be perfect for me, now he doesn't want me.. Will I ever find someone to love me forever? Will it always have to end?…

I should convince myself that, that was good for me, because I couldn't continue before getting over my problem with the creepy thoughts that have been hunting me since I knew his truth.. I just need time ..

And what is more shocking, is that he still didn't face me with the truth, what is he waiting for? This is so disappointing! Till when does he think he's going to keep it? I wanna trust him but … Saying that he wants a break, and still hiding the truth, make the creepy thoughts grow more and more in my head, I want to look at his eyes and feel like the stars are not shining, I want to look at his smile and see sparks fly … It's been so weird since yesterday and I want it to be like our first look, kiss, date …

I couldn't sleep last night, I've been thinking so much, what if after rearranging my thoughts, he didn’t accept me again ? I mean the reason for the "Break" thing and not a final "Break up" is still unknown for me just like another puzzle that's been bothering me since last night when I searched on the internet for sweet pea .. I found out that it means, Goodbye in winter …

I don't understand a thing, I don't know what to do, I don't know what I need .. confusion..

** "Molly? Did you hear what I was saying?" Said the teacher to Michelle .. She bumbled "S-Sorry .." She looked shy, I know she's the nerd that never misses a class, what was attracting her out of the window? What was she thinking of? How I wish she was thinking of me …

I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about what I have done, thinking about my choice, I guess I did the right thing, I know it's not easy for me, but it seemed easy for her .. I thought that it would be hard for her to know I'm leaving, but I guess I was wrong …  was it too much to ask for? A little care? Why doesn't she feel the same way? I just can't help it but feel sad and depressed unable to hold my head up, first I'm leaving and never seeing her again, second she doesn't give a shit, and third I still haven't told her the truth and still don't know how am I gonna do that!!!!

But the limit good side is that we're still friends at the  moment, I mean when we met this morning before class we greeted and talked just like nothing's happened, I know this ain't how I want it to be like but I can do nothing about it…. I sometimes felt she was faking smiles  just like me, but probably that was just what I hope …

** The bell rang the ring that everyone loves, can't I be the bell at least for one day? So that I can know how it feels like to be loved by everyone! Ugh …

 Harry collected his stuff quickly and waited for me and Lara to finish to go out together, I finished what I didn't even start because I wasn't actually doing anything at that class… I was literally lost ..

"It was weird not to see you concentrating on the lesson!" He said, I had a tiny laugh " No, it happens sometimes .." I said trying to tell him that it hasn't been so long since he came to the school and he thinks that he knows me! He doesn’t know me, he doesn't know what I feel …

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