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Y/n was always a reserved girl.
She always kept to herself and stayed out of trouble, she liked it this way. Part of her wished she had more friends but at least she had one right? Plus even if she tried to make more friends they wouldn't understand her.
She wasn't necessarily normal, she likes rescuing animals and studying biology, she likes playing video games until 3 in the morning and listening to mitski. She likes dancing to Britney Spears and having late night walks to the park. She preferred to watch cartoons instead of watching live action shows or movies and she loved nature.

She didn't like partying and drinking. She didn't like big crowds and tight dresses. She didn't like hurting animals or talking to people she didn't know but most of all she hated being alone.
Which she frequently was.
Her parents had both passed away in a car accident when she was 12, which lead her to be alone. After the accident she moved in with her aunt in New York, her aunt was always out partying and drinking with her friends and left y/n alone most of the time so y/n learnt how to care for herself and got used to the lonely feeling.
Her parents left her a hefty sum of money in her inheritance so she didn't struggle with groceries or shelter.

She walked on the weed covered pathway as she thought to herself. Nobody would really notice if she disappeared so why doesn't she.

Her footsteps grow heavier as she slips further into the thoughts she tries so hard to stay away from.

Could I disappear?

She mentally slaps her self and snaps back to reality.
these thoughts only hold me back. I'm going to be fine.

Yet the thought always sticks to the back of her head like a parasite.

Y/ns thumbs fiddle with the pocket of her f/c zip up jumper before she pulls out her phone and presses shuffle on her favourite chill playlist.

Francis forever • mitski

I don't know what to do without you.
I don't know where to put my hands.
I've been trying to lay my head down.
But I'm writing this at 3am.

Y/n mutters along to the song while continuing her path. Eventually she gets tired out and sits on a red painted wooden park bench, not really paying any attention to her surroundings.

I bet on losing dogs • mitski

Y/n softly sings along to the music. Unaware of the mosquitos that swarm around her, she closes her eyes and lays back into the park bench and lets her emotions out as she listens to the song.

I wanna feel it~
I bet on losing dogs..
I always want you when I'm finally fine...

She thinks about her past.
Her family.
Her old life.
Her losses.
Her mistakes.
Her regrets.


Her mum.
Her dad.


Someone to watch me die.
Someone to watch me die..
I bet on losing dogs...

A sharp pain fills y/ns arm, "fuck." Her eyes dart to the pain and she notices a huge glowing mosquito, green fluid pulsates from its blood sack to her arm as she weeps in pain and swats the mosquito away. Steamy tears run down her cheeks as the pain grows to her whole body. Her vision shakes as she grabs on to her arm and stumbles off the chair onto the floor.


Her head feels as if it's going to explode.
Her bones feel like they're all breaking.
The suffocating sound of buzzing fills her ears.
She squeals in pain as she rolls onto her side, gripping her ears in a useless attempt to block out the noise that grows with every second.

"Please.. help.." she manages to say before completely collapsing and becoming limp.


Heyo ppl I'm writing a fan fiction bcs I wanted to lol.
Let me know if there's anything u want to suggest and let me know if there's any errors so I can change them:)

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because there are more to come :))

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