[005] you won't kill my sister and i won't destroy the world

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FIVE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT MANY PEOPLE. Actually, he didn't care about almost anyone. Despite the fact that he knew many people, he never talked about them as people he liked or disliked. He simply didn't care about them. They're not important.

The words like or dislike are also associated with a certain relationship, with love and friendship or with hate. This would mean that any opinion he had about the person would create an insubstantial bond between him and that person, and Five hated having bonds.

And so Five divided people he knew and people he didn't know into three categories. The first category of people he liked included about eight people: Delores, Ethan, Vanya, Ben, Klaus, Diego, Luther, and Allison. They were people he cared about in some way, but he would never admit it.

The second category, people he didn't care about and whose existence he mostly ignored, included people he met every day at work (including his boss) and at the same time people from all over the world who he didn't know and didn't have any kind of relationship with.

The last, third category, were the people Five hated. However, no one was worth it for him to hate them and give them any thoughts.

Natasha was a perfect fit into the second category. Five often saw her at work or when he was walking around the Commission (he saw her at the bar, walking outside or in the cafeteria.) He knew her from the conversations of other agents when she started building a career together with Ethan as one of their best assassins, but he wasn't interested in her even then.

He didn't even feel threatened by her. He, Five Hargreeves, who can literally survived in an apocalypse and who can travel through time and space is supposed to feel threatened by a little girl who's only power is shadow theatre?

No. She has no chance against him.

To his surprise, only a few hours ago, he almost died in a department store because despite having a knife stuck in her stomach, the bitch stood up and caught him in her trap.

And then she really caught his attention and Five really started to hate her.

Five spent the whole morning stitching up the wound left by the bullet from Natasha's new gun, then placed a Billy the Choo-Choo bandage there and found a clean uniform in his closet that could at least partially cover the wound on his neck. Delores was hid in a bag and he slung it over his shoulder.

He decided that given the events of last night, he would rather go out the window through the fire escape, as Allison and Luther would have questions about his wounds. Besides, if he assumed correctly (and he really hoped he was right) then Ethan will help him since he helped him yesterday. And Ethan certainly wouldn't show up at the front door.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?"

Five looked down and groaned when he saw Klaus standing in the trash with a cigarette in his mouth rummaging through the big black bags. He started climbing down the ladder as Klaus threw his head back and called: "Shut up! I'm trying to find whatever. . . priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me . . ." Five stopped climbing and looked down at him, "I don't care."

He continued climbing to which his brother laughed. "Hey! You know there are easier ways out of the house, buddy?"

"This one involved the least amount of talking," Five jumped down and gave him a tight lipped smile, "Or so I thought."

"Hey, hey, hey, so . . . You need any more company today?" Klaus asked him with a grin, "I could, uh . . . clear my schedule."

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