Chapter Four

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I woke up to a light shaking and somebody calling my name. Opening my eyes I see Billy.

"We're here darling, wake up." Billy said softly. There were 12 other students on the bus but up towards the front, along with Mr Black and Mrs Smith. I stretched as I woke up and got ready to listen to the teachers instructions before we got off of the bus.

"Okay class, we will be going in and each finding a room to stay in, no girl or boy share rooms got it" Mr Black said loudly getting everyone's attention, some nodded while others agreed.

"If everyone is ready let's grab our stuff get inside and pick a room." Mr Black then said next as we all got off of the bus and went inside the building, there was a hallway for girls with multiple rooms and another for boys, then there was an activity room with a table tennis , tv and a kitchen and a bunch of tables and chairs to sit at.

I went and found a room for me and put my stuff in, then went to go explore the area, I was alone for the most part besides seeing a few others exploring also.

Soon I found the pool and straight away decided that I would be swimming here as soon as I got the okay from my teachers.

I felt a pair of hands on my hips and looked up to see Billy, I smiled.

"I'm definitely coming for a swim when I can." I declared, Billy smiled also and nodded agreeing with me

"Sounds good baby girl." Billy said, my breath caught in my throat slightly as I heard him call me baby girl for the first time.

"Baby girl?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow.

"Testing a new nickname out for you, do you like it?" He said as we started walking back to the dorms.

"Yeah I like it." I said shyly, he chuckled at my cuteness as he normally calls it and kissed my temple. I've noticed he's gotten a bit more touchy and affectionate to me lately, especially since I woke up.

We got back to the dorms and the teachers were explaining that we would travel to one of the bigger shopping centres near by for dinner and to get whatever snacks we wanted.

We got our money and got back into the bus, Billy sat next to me, his hand on my thigh, honestly I think he was trying to show that he has feelings for me and I know he does already, I hold his hand that's on my leg.

                                  Billy p.o.v.

I have grown really attached to Aviva over these past few months, we've grown close. She trusts me now, and Eddie seems to like me enough.

I've decided I wanna tell her I like her a lot but I don't know how, she kissed my cheek before going to sleep earlier and it made my heart race, I keep doing these small gestures to show her I care, I feel like she knows.

Eddie has told me that she admitted to him this morning that she has feelings for me also. I want to make a move but I'm not sure how to do it.

I know I have to be gentle with her but I'm a dominant guy, lover, I like pinning the girl under me or between me and a wall, which I will probably do to her, I'll just have to do it gently.

It makes me wander with these thoughts if she's even had her first proper kiss or done it for the first time or not. 

I'm beginning to crave her, her scent, her smile, her shy blushes and her laugh, I know I'm the schools bad boy and all but I'm good to her and that's what matters to me.

I never used to act like this, I was always sleeping around looking for my next target but the minute I laid eyes on Aviva Claire Munson that all changed, especially when I got to talk and meet her.

Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now