Chapter Five

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There was a knock at the door and a voice calling out, "Wakey wakey it's 8am," it was Miss Smith.

"I'm up!" I call out and she leaves to wake the others up. I stretch and go to the shower turning it on.

I strip and relish in the warmth of the shower, I didn't sleep the best on my own and I was freezing most the night.

I get out turning the water off and dry myself. I dress in plain grey underwear and bra with my Metalica t-shirt and blue jeans. I slide my socks on then my black sneakers.

I brush my hair down and spray under my arms with deodorant,  I then use my favourite perfume.

I apply a light lip gloss sliding it into my pocket then leave the dorm, I walk to the kitchen and main area seeing a few others getting breakfast.

I walk over to the counter where Mr Black is making toast, he smiles at me kindly.

"Good morning Aviva, did you sleep well?" He asks buttering some toast.

"No, I don't sleep well on my own because I share a bed with my brother at home and and as Eddie told you I can't keep my own body heat during the night so I was freezing all night," I say, he hands me the buttered toast on a plate.

"Normally we don't let boys and girls share dorms but I know you and Billy are close, would you like to share with him for this trip? For your health of course," Mr Black says, I nod thinking about it.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate that," I say, Billy comes up to us with a small smile on his face when he sees me.

"Morning sir, what's going on?" He greets us.

"Aviva here says she didn't sleep well last night by herself and she was freezing all night from her.. condition, " Mr Black says, Billy turns to me concerned placing a hand on my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asks looking into my eyes, I shrug.

"Mainly tired, " I say, Mr Black starts again.

"I have offered Aviva to share a dorm with you... for her health safety of course," Mr Black says watching Billy's reaction, "if that's okay with you," he finishes.

"Of course, for her health safety," Billy says softly looking at me, he wraps an armbaround my shoulders while I eat.

"Perfect, I'll let yous deal with the arrangements and I'll let Miss Smith know," Mr Black says handing some new toast with butter on a plate to Billy.

"Alright, thanks sir," Billy says taking the food. He steers us over the a table to eat by ourselves.

There's more students coming in now getting breakfast also, I finish my toast and rub my arms.

"Are you cold?" Billy asks noticing this.

"A little, it's the after math from being cold all night," I say, he thinks for a moment before taking his jacket off and placing it over my shoulder.

"Here baby girl, warm up," he says rubbing my arms after I slide them into the sleeves. I smile shyly at him.

"Thank you, Billy," I say, he smiles warmly at me.

"No worries," he says eating a bite of his toast.  He still has a jumper on, we  take our plates to the sink once he finishes and wash them.

Once everybody has eaten the teachers gather us around to tell us today's events. I stand next to Billy with his arm around my shoulders keeping me close to his warmth.

"Alright everyone, today we will be going to a museum, then we'll go to lunch at the dinerbacross the road. After that we'll go for a walk in the park," Miss Smith announces.

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