Anti : The Story of Adam part 2

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Saturn, Uranus

Adam the little boy grew up and finished school and went to college, all of these years of school went in a haze they went by so quickly. You see Adam wanted to be normal, one day he wished upon god to live a normal life, he didn't want his gifts anymore and so god granted him that and made him only forget his talents of conjuring up realities with his mind, and so Adam became like everybody else but little did he know that he still has his gifts.

Adam grew nervous along the years for him forgetting his talents has led him astray, for he forgot his path and forgot his rules. For living a normal life and being subjected to the normal things we get subjected to everyday, let us just say there is nothing normal about that. Adam got used and taken advantage off by a lot of people. He kept jumping through realities endlessly not knowing where he is welcomed or not. Think of it, how many realities had he conjured by just watching the news and watching The silence of the lambs that day. He created realities unfathomable realities of cannibals and the brink of world war 3 happening the next day without his mind processing them correctly so he kept living them repeatedly until they become part of his reality. But weirdly enough everyone was okay with it and everybody knew it was just a reality that they will wake up from, except for Adam. Everything was so real to him and everybody knew what was going on except for him adding to his alienation from society. All he could hold on to is his good days in childhood where he imagined the good realities like moiety without the influence of society and his peers. But those days are faded in his memory and he can only bring them back slightly until they get broken down by influences of deseases and cancer that has festered themselves into his world. Society was cruel to him, and no one really cared to help him and tell him the truth. Cruelty had its pains but really it was ignorance and an uncreative limited ideology of how to handle a boy like Adam, that was the problem. Society feared Adam knowing his gift, for they thought he would take his revenge on them or make them live like slaves if he knew what was going on, so they where happy living in a world riddled with deseases and cancer and rotten to its core rather than telling him the truth. They left him to his whims but little did they know that the demons had there way with his mind and every time they need a restart they would make him forget by spiking his tea with ruffies not knowing that the past never goes away even with all the ruffies in the world. Influences came from everywhere and the moment those demons knew they could get away with it because Adam didn't know his gifts they kept coming back into his world and into his mind, and money was the goal. You see Adams world became like a touristic world, his caregivers not knowing that the medicine they took made them slaves to Adam's demons. They unknowingly did his demons bidding; for example making him watch a particular movie on a particular day and this movie would become reality, and people enjoyed living in fantasy without the side effects of mental disorders and diseases that Adam had to deal with later on his own. But now the demons have bigger fish to fry than tourism, they have their eyes on a bigger cash price. Oil. But the only thing keeping them from extracting this oil was the reality moiety. The demons needed to demolish moiety by creating all the mutations they can to make it unreasonable and that was there strategy for years to keep mutating it until it becomes void. They knew that the more Adam sins the more neurofibrary tangles will be stuck in his mind the more they can control him. Adam no longer lives in moiety he lives in Anti now, with only small pieces of moiety remaining inside of him, and those pieces the demons wanted to demolish.

We see Adam in college in an English literature class, he has taken writing as his hobby, he is in front of the class nervous as hell, we can see his leg shaking a bit when the teacher asks him " What have you written for us today Adam?" He hesitantly says " I wrote about chaos" the teacher replies "Please start sharing" Adam starts reading from his textbook " When chaos reaps into our lives its exponential it multiplies and grows until your whole life is dark and out of balance we know everything around us has the potential of blowing up in our faces, morphing into this orb of negative energy moving through space but backwards in time reliving all of the miseries of our past again and again until we decide to stop it" while Adam was reading the class was either half asleep or half busy daydreaming but one person's face lit up when he started reading, Lilith. Lilith is a beautiful green eyed girl from his class, when Adam finishes reading he goes back to his seat and Lilith couldn't wait to talk to him. As they where going out of class the teacher reminds them" remember our exam next Monday, I expect you to write a passage of your own writing" Adam went to the cafeteria he ordered a salad and sat a lone as always, he takes a bite from his salad, and Lilith shows up at his table. Lilith says "hi" With lettuce hanging out of his mouth he says "Th-hi" he quickly fixes his composure and swallows the food properly. Lilith says "I really really liked what you wrote in English class" Adam says "really?" Lilith then says" Im having friends over this Saturday you should pass by I'll text you the address" Adam says "Sure." And away went Lilith, Adam was mesmerized by her presence, after a small pause he looks at the plate and all the lettuce has turned yellow and withered, but Adam didn't care much for lettuce, it was a Wednesday and it was long way ahead to Saturday. Adam had a couple of more classes left, he finished them and went back home. On his way out of university he noticed a little sticker on a stop sign that he has never noticed before it had a logo with a serpent and it read " You will never know the truth unless you are one of us" Adam continues walking and takes the bus.

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