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Hello! Author here, before we dive into the story, let's cover some information needed beforehand!

Firstly, this story was made to expand on a pov comment I did underneath this ( playlist video! You can find me as "Nixon Bagni" down there!

Secondly, I already made your quirk, along with your family's quirks! I write my stories with premade quirks and families, as well as some freedom to write Y/N to have their own personality. Here is your quirk!

Y/N Kansei 
Quirk: Inertia
The ability to manipulate inertia (the resistance to movement and force from an outside force). Rising something/someone's inertia makes them incredibly hard to move from an outside force with a lower inertia than the current object. Lower inertia makes the object easy to manipulate and move around. You may release all objects you are currently manipulating with a snap. 
Drawback: The strength of being unstoppable/Immovable is three times your own base strength, plus their original inertia (If rising their inertia) or minus their original inertia (if lowering). Cramps and sore muscles are a result of overusing your quirk.
Hero Name: Momentum

 Your family are all pro-heroes, and you happily take pride in helping them save citizens all over the world!

Mother: Kyoto Kansei
Quirk: Pause
The ability to make any object (non living and living) she touches freeze for up to an hour
Hero name: Arrest

Father: Daruki Kansei
Quirk: Fast Forward:
The ability to move at the speed of sound in any given direction, so long as he stays moving in that direction.
Hero Name: Accelerate

Older Brother: Junichi Kansei
Quirk: Blink
The ability to pause time every time he blinks. He reverts back to normal time when he blinks again, and must keep his eyes open in the duration he pauses time. He may do whatever he likes and any object he touches keeps up with him until he lets go
Hero Name: Chronos

Y/N and their family had lived in the Netherlands for their parent's work for three years prior to now, although they did live in Japan for all their life before then. Because of the agency Junichi has started in Japan, Y/N moved back with Junichi as their guardian. (Though I personally never lived in the Netherlands, I think it would be fun to add that. I'm from Canada tho lol)

Now lets dive into our story!

We currently take place slightly after the School Festival arc, and just before the Pro Hero arc. I will not be a hundred percent accurate with the anime (and I do not read the manga), so there will be inaccuracies between the anime and this fanfic. You have been warned.

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