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"I told you, I don't know" Bruce speaks in a more stern tone than before, tears pricking his eyes. He was in a different outfit since when Tyler last saw him, a grey-blue flannel over a black t-shirt and jeans. The metal chair he sat in was freezing, so was the table he rested his arms on. A detective and police officer sat in front of him, Bruce was tired of telling them he didn't know anything and wished he did.

He felt like puking, and sleeping right after. Cherry, Finney, Robin and whatever family they had were there as well, total bullshit. Finney was panicking while Robin was trying to keep him calm, their parents sitting off in the corner, Ms. Arellano distanced from Mr. Blake. Gwen sat next to Ms. Arellano as she was trying to make her comfortable, showing her recipes in a magazine they could try out. Cherry was full on crying and choking back sobs as Mrs. Yamada was helping her calm down, Mr. Yamada holding Amy close as she was scared, old enough to understand what had happened but to young to be able to completely process it.

Bruce could finally leave the interrogation room, sitting down across from Robin and Finney and pulling his flannel closer. The officer calls for Cherry, the redhead woman in the light pink dress standing up and wiping her eyes, following the officer into the cold room. Finney and Robin look up at Bruce, giving him a knowing look. Bruce shakes his head, looking back down at the tan and white striped carpet.

Finney wipes his eyes, resting his head on Robin's shoulder. His mop of hair was a mess, like he'd been tossing and turning in bed before he had to come in, probably wanting to sleep before the calls. Bruce had called Cherry, wondering if he was home because he never made it to the Yamada's. Cherry started to panic, because she assumed Tyler went over, because he never made it home. Robin heald Finney in his arms, comforting him and making him feel warmer in the cold building.

Bruce sniffles and leanes back in the tan chair, covering his eyes with his hands as tears fall. He wanted to shrink into a ball and just sob. He pulls his legs up onto the chair, sitting criss-cross and his face being supported my his hand, elbow sat on the arm rest.

Another hour goes by, everyone who needed interviewing was interviewed, and the large group of worried people were let go for the night. Bruce heald his little sister's hand as he gave a small wave to Finney and Robin, leading his family out the glass doors. He quickly walks out to the car, the yellow street lamps illuminating the raven haired boy's path. He sits in the backseat, watching his parents get in the front as Amy already starts to fall asleep in her seat.

Mrs. Yamada looks back in the rear view mirror, seeing her son zoned out and staring out the window at the building. She turns around in the driver's seat as Mr. Yamada pulls out a newspaper from under the seat.

"Honey, are you okay? I know Tyler was your friend-"

"Is" Bruce cuts his mother off, correcting her. "He isn't dead. Just missing"

"Sorry dear. If you need to talk, your father and I are always here to listen, alright?"

Bruce stays silent, staring back out the window again as Mrs. Yamada sighs, pulling out of the spot and beginning to drive off. Bruce leans his head on the seat belt, wanting to sleep and sob at the same time, he just wanted to see Tyler again. What happened to him and where was he? Was he okay?

The raven haired boy couldn't help but feel responsible, he should've just biked back with him and made sure he was safe. But no, he had to go talk to Emily Sylvester afterwards, and hope his best friend was okay getting home alone while a kidnapper was on the loose. He couldn't help but tear up as they drive down the streets, watching the neon signs and street lamps pass by, hiding it well as the car was silent, other than some music playing softly over the radio.

Fire and Rain, James Taylor.

Bruce relaxes in his seat, giving into the tired feeling. It was well past midnight, he was exhausted and worried for Tyler.

Mrs. Yamada pulls into the driveway, looking back and seeing her daughter, sleeping, and her son, staring out the window and half asleep. She sighs, looking over at her husband, he gets out of the car, leaving the newspaper on the dash, opening Amy's door and picking her up as she slept. Mrs. Yamada opened Bruce's door, shaking him out of his daze and helping the tired boy up to the front door, unlocking it to let Mr. Yamada inside, Amy in his arms.

Bruce trudged up to his room, following his family upstairs. He closes his door, closes the blinds and walks to his closet. He reaches to the top of his closet, pulling down a black hoodie, and in red, Pink Floyd was written on it, and under it, 'The Wall'.

It was Tyler's.

He bites his lip as he unfolds the hoodie, walking over to his bed, toeing his shoes off and climbing into bed. He holds the hoodie close to him, it still smelt like the curly haired boy as well. It smelt a lot like the record shop, mixed with strawberry milkshake. Odd, but the truth.

Bruce heald the hoodie close, pretending Tyler was in the hoodie, like he was there, as if he never went missing earlier that day. Like Bruce was really cuddling with Tyler in the middle of the night, something they'd probably have to take to the grave with each other.

The raven haired boy falls asleep, worried sick about his best friend, questions fizzling out of his mind as his body shuts down for the night.

Worst fucking Saturday ever.

AN - Rinney is canon.

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