'man' Chapter 20

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Me and Ethan crawled away from the group and ran to the pharmacy.

As soon as we got in I could see that it was intact, sure a chair and shelf was knocked over but other then that everything else was untouched. Ethan looked at me and asked.

"What did you want from here?" he gave me a confused look and scanned my body for injuries.

"it seems people are getting hurt alot so I wanted to get medicine and bandages" I explained.

He nodded and began to scoop stuff into his bag, obviously he checked they were alright before doing so.

I grabbed some rubbing achohol and cotton pads, then I grabbed bandages and went over to the shelfs. I saw pain killers and immediately checked them. They were unopened and there was alot of them. I shoved them all into my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I looked over to Ethan who was already staring at me.

"Ready to go?" I asked him.


Ethan unaware of the sound, went to reply. I covered his mouth and put a finger to my lips. I perked up my ears but it was silent.

"Sorry I thought I heard something" you apologised and went to open the door.


I looked over at Ethan and he heard it this time, I slowly closed the door but as it was about to close a giant hand grabbed it and flung it open. I stumbled backwards and looked up at the man.

He was tall, quite big, but what my eyes were most concerned about was his shotgun laying upon his hands.

"YOU BASTARD ZOMBIES I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" the man yelled and aimed his shotgun at me.

"Sir we aren't zombies!" Ethan yelled, panic in his gaze.

But the man didn't listen and fired his gun, I moved out the way in time. I hit my crowbar into the man's leg and he fell to the ground.

"Ethan we have to go now!" I yelled to him.

He nodded and I basically dragged him to the back of the store, there was a door but it was locked and my crowbar wouldn't budge it. I need to ram into it like  I did with the classroom door. But before I could move a lound bang stopped me and a giant pain immersed from my shoulder.

"Y/N!" Ethan yelled out.

He ran over to me and saw my shoulder, I saw the man aiming his shotgun at Ethan now. As he was about to shoot I shoved Ethan to the side and the bullet went into the wall. I barely could move my right arm so I just kicked the man away and rammed my left shoulder into the door. It sprung open and I fell to the ground, Ethan quickly helped me up but was then hit in the head with the bowel of the shotgun.

When I saw Ethan fall to the floor I quickly got up and looked at him. There was blood coming from his head and he looked panicked. Something inside me snapped and I just grabbed the man and threw him to the floor.

"UGH" he grunted before facing me.

I whacked him with my crowbar and just kept going. I saw he was dead with the first couple hits as I directed them to his head. But I just kept wacking him, he hurt Ethan, he deserves a painful death. My ears were ringing and the outside world cut off from me. I just focused on the man with a now crushed in skull.

I started giggling and and just kept throwing my crowbar back, over and over. I heard a few running footsteps and an abrupt stop. I didn't care tho, all that matted was that this man payed for hitting your beloved Ethan.

"Y/N!" Ethan cried out.

I finally snapped back into reality and looked at Ethan. He looked terrified and was trembling.

"Ah I'm sorry I lost it a bit, are you alright, he hit you in the head pretty hard?" I asked him and walked over.

But he scrambled away from me and just looked at the corpse. I held out a hand for him but he didn't take it. I frowned, confused on why he was scared.

                  Sue's pov

Me and Harry were doing quite well with the food run, there was plenty of food and water for everyone and it would last atleast for a couple months. As I was finishing up I head a loud gunshot and my head snapped towards the sound. It came from the pharmacy and the door was wide open.

I looked at Harry and he was startled by the sound as well, then there was another gunshot. Me and Harry ran into the pharmacy but saw no sight of them. Then I heard another shot, if my ears were correct the shot came directly from the back of the pharmacy. Me and Harry ran around the building and ran through a narrow street.

Once we saw the massacre in front of us we immediately stopped dead in our tracks. Y/N was beating an already dead man with a terrified Ethan on the floor.

"Y/N!" Ethan cried out.

Y/N seemingly snapped out of his trance and said.

"Ah sorry I lost it a bit, are you alright, he hit you in the head pretty hard?" He said, completely forgetting about the bloody corpse below him.

He walked over to Ethan but Ethan being terrified crawled backwards trying to get away from him. Y/N held out his blood covered hand but Ethan just directed his gaze to the corpse. It seemed seeing a corpse was better then looking into Y/Ns eyes at the moment. Y/N frowned in confusion and took his hand back.

Then he glanced at us, already knowing we were there.

"We have to leave now, zombies have heard the gunshots and will be on their way" He said in a cold tone.

Harry walked over to Ethan and helped him up, I could see Y/N was annoyed at Harry's kind act. Could Y/N also be the murderer...

Dangerous fellows,  Ethan X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now