Chapter 6: Thursday

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It was possibly divine intervention which had saved Fallon from uttering those two words last night. It was far too much of a coincidence that Anders had chosen that exact moment to storm into their room and interrupt them, and she is certain that it’s some sort of extra-terrestrial sign that she needs to have more restraint. Perhaps she has a guardian angel watching over her, pulling strings, making sure she doesn’t ruin her dignity.

Or maybe it was fate that had decided to make her horse so spooked that the couple had to rush outside in the dead of night to calm the poor girl down, ultimately disrupting her intentions to give in. Whatever it was, she was now more determined than ever to be the one to break Liam and make sure he was the one who surrendered, deciding that she had been given a second chance by some deity out there. She must not, under any circumstances, ruin this opportunity which has been gifted to her.

Starting right now, it is officially operation ‘seduce Liam by any means necessary’.

Which means she is willing to play dirty, much dirtier than she has been already.

"You can do this, Fallon," She mutters to herself as she applies her mascara with precision, entirely focusing on the task in the large mirror above her dresser, situated in her large closet. "There is not a man in this world that you cannot conquer." She flutters her eyelashes, testing out how effectively her makeup is accentuating her ability to throw Liam those blow-job eyes that never fail to break his resolve and have him eating out of the palm of her hand. Satisfied, she twists the mascara lid back on with an abrasive click.

She begins to root around her makeup bag for a particular shade of lipstick to match the outfit she plans to wear today, "Especially, not Jack Liam Ridley Lowden. You have seduced that man with just a look before."

Which is entirely true, on multiple occasions, which gives her a boost of confidence despite her faux pas last night when she had been so close to giving in.

Dangerously close, in fact.

"But what's important to remember," She continues her words of encouragement as she selects a matt violet shade and glides it over her upper lip, following her cupid's bow, "is that you technically did not surrender last night." Her advancements continue to her bottom lip, painting her skin there a sultry mauve, giving her mouth the appearance of being full, plump, ready for action. "So your pride is completely intact," Her eyes meet her own in the mirror, a look of pure conviction reflecting back at her and her tone lowers as she assures herself, "You can still win this."

"Yeah," Liam's brash voice travels across the short space between them from where he's hovering at the threshold... Where she did not realise he was, causing her to jump, her whole body tensing on reflex until her mind processes that there isn't any danger, breathing out a sigh of relief in the knowledge that it's just him, eavesdropping. She's immediately frustrated, knowing without needing to ask that he'd overheard her private conversation with herself and is likely about to take advantage of that. After all, she knows that if the roles were reversed and she had been the one to find him trying to convince himself that he hadn't almost completely given in the night before, she'd milk this for all it's worth.

Attempting to remain neutral, her eyes glimpse at him for a second, taking in the smug expression on his face which he is still wearing as he pushes himself off the door frame and saunters closer, coming to a stop directly behind her.

She refuses to look him in the eyes, letting him get the mocking out of his system, but his sudden proximity feels like it’s zapped the air from her lungs. She hates that his current arrogant stance is so attractive to her, “You weren’t seconds away from slamming down on my cock and riding me until you saw stars. I mean, it’s not like you just moved your panties out of the way because you were that impatient to have me.” He presses closer to her, his mouth against her ear as he whispers in a low tone, “Oh wait, that’s exactly what happened.”

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