Chapter 2 Nahoko

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Trigger Warning: Nudes and bullying.

Yukari POV:
Nahoko. That girl, she's really sweet, that's what people thought. I was surprised what she really was. After class I rush to my locker but not to fast, fast enough to make it before everyone. Shit... I lost her, I thought I'll be fast enough. Suddenly I saw a shadow going to the bathroom. It looks like Nahoko so I followed it. Before I could enter in the bathroom, my brain stopped me. How am I supposed to catch her if I open the door? I checked in the hallway. No one can see me great... My left hand was on the door, pushing it the slowest way I could. My other hand was on the door handle, in case she sees me. I saw her, without her bra, how dumb. Who is dumb enough to take that kind of picture in the school's bathroom. I didn't look at the time and almost forgot about class.
Art class, it was boring but when the teacher told us to be in a group of 2, of course I took this to an opportunity to be friend with Nahoko. So I act all shy to be kind. "Um... Hi. I have no one to work with, can I be with you please? It's okay if you say no..." As expected she said agree. "Ah me too! Well I'm new here and I don't have friends. I don't know anyone here. Sure!" Her pity want to make me puke, seriously, why is she so naive?
It was the end of class, before she go I hold her hand with mine, all I have to do is to fake it. "Hi Nahoko, I wonder if I can have your phone number. I loved talking to you in art class." I whisper. She thought about it 5 seconds and her mouth opened. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I was thinking. Of course! I was afraid to ask you the same thing but here!" So easy. I thanked her and she welcomed me.
It was the end of the day and tomorrow start the weekend (they started Friday). I texted her and we talked about an hour so I asked her Instagram. She left me on read but after 10 minutes she respond. "Sorry I had to help my mom. Anyway my insta: ———" Naive. I thanked her again and did my research. I look at her followers. Bunch of boys and men of all ages. I followed her and made a new account pretending to be a guy and it worked!
You: Hi

Nahoko: Hi, is there anything I can help you with?

You: No, nothing special, my friends talked about you and I was kind of curious so I wanted to know more about you.

Nahoko: What did they say?

You: Don't worry, it's nothing!

Nahoko: What are you doing?

You: Playing games. What about you?

Nahoko: I'm texting a friend I meet today she's pretty cool :)!

You: That's great, well I have to leave right now, I have to eat, sorry.

Nahoko: No that's fine, we can talk tomorrow if you want.

You: Sure!
So I pass the whole weekend to pretend to be the guy I'm talking and running to account is pretty tiring. It was the last day of the weekend so I need to act up fast.
You: Hello how are you?

Nahoko: I'm good thank you and you?

You: Chill. My day is normal I'm enjoying my day even if I have school tomorrow.

Nahoko: Oh same! But I love school.

You: So I wanted to ask... You know my friends, the one I told you they talked about you?

Nahoko: Yes I remember it.

You: They actually talk about you for the nud3s...

Nahoko: I guess you want some right?

You: Yes, it'll be pretty cool for me.

Nahoko: It ain't free, dummy.

You: 1582,88¥ (15$) that's alright?

Nahoko: That's a lot but if you insist!
You: I paid you now give.

Nahoko: Here:
*sent 2 attachments*

You: It was a pleasure to talk with you. See you soon...

Nahoko: Good bye. Pay me more next time ;).

I never thought that she was like this. She looked serious about it. At least I have proof. HA IT'S SO FUN. I have to wait for tomorrow now. It was so easy. I looked at my ceiling and imagine how I'll tell the teacher that and slowly I felt asleep.
I put my shoes in my locker and I saw Nahoko. I walked towards her and greeted her. It was a simple conversation, we went to class together. Japanese literature again.
It was almost the end of the class. I stood up and speak; "Sensei! Sensei! I have something to tell you after class!" The student didn't move, only Nahoko looked at me with a confused face. How can a shy person decide to yell in class? The bell rings and all the students get out of the class except me. Only me and the teacher. I explain everything to her, I act up like I was devastated and all those stuff. She was in shock and when i show her our conversation and the blurred picture her head looked like a tomato. She called the principal like she was about to kill someone.
Next class was math. I hug Nahoko from behind and lied that I have to explain to the teacher why I can't and don't talk to class. She smiled at me and believed me before we sat down. 30 minutes after the class begins, I heard a knock on the door, the teacher opened it and the principal was standing here. She asked Nahoko to bring all her books and to follow her. She followed her, the rest of the day she wasn't here. Rumours about her are expending everywhere in the school.
The next day she was gone and all the school know what happened to her. I heard some girls talking about Nahoko. "Did you saw what Nahoko did?" "Yeah I heard about it." "She's sooo disgusting" "Like for real who sends nudes to guys, that's disgusting" "She's just a wh0r3."
"Totally". Rumours and rumours, so hypocrite. I got rid of her, 39 students left I can do it.

Words: 1052
I hope y'all enjoy because I had no motivation to finish this but yea here's the result. Hope it ain't bad with my awful English.

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