Chapter 18

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Caleb was still parked outside The Brew while this was going on, watching the five blue dots that signified all six liars. He glanced at the time in the bottom corner of his screen, 9:05 PM. Every second that passed was tortuous. He hated not knowing what happening, and that he wasn't there to support Hanna and her friends. So, he waited. Waited for any sign of movement, or suspicious activity. It wasn't until 9:08 that he noticed a spike of movement in one of the blue dots. It was moving slowly out of the greenhouse. Caleb hovered over the moving dot with his cursor.

ID #6: Parker

That was enough evidence for Caleb. He put his car in drive and sped off towards the school, making sure to keep his eye on the dot's movement. The dot had moved but only slightly. It had remained still for two more minutes. His speed began to increase the closer her got. He was starting to feel confident; A didn't know he was coming. They'd have them caught in no time.

Caleb turned in to the school and advanced past it to the greenhouse. He looked around. There was no sign of the girls, Parker, or A. There were no cars in the parking lot. That's when he knew something was wrong. He spotted the greenhouse. It was still dark inside. He looked back at his computer screen. Five dots were stagnant in the greenhouse, and one was just a few meters from it. This wasn't making any sense. He drove as far as he could before he threw himself out of the car and toward the greenhouse. Sirens sounded behind him, painting the town with red and blue flashing lights. He spotted a glowing light in the grass a few yards away. He stopped in his tracks and ran toward it. It was a phone. It was Parker's phone, indicating why the blue dot wasn't moving. Which only meant one thing. He looked around frantically for her but was only met with the night that surrounded him. A had Parker, and there was no other way to track her.

Police cars and ambulances pulled into the school. Something went wrong. How else would the police have known to show up. Caleb ran towards the nearest door of the greenhouse and tried to open the door. He shoved his shoulder into it, as hard as he could, but it wouldn't budge.

"Hanna!" Caleb yelled. "Hanna!...Spencer!" There was no response, only silence. He rammed into the door again, but it still didn't open.

"What going on?" Caleb asked frantically.

"We got a call about some girls trapped in the greenhouse," he explained.

Caleb stepped aside and let the team of police do their best to break into the greenhouse. The team managed to unlock the door. When they did a rush of smoke came flowing out of the greenhouse. The cops were hesitant to go in, Caleb wasn't. He covered his face with his shirt and advanced in.

"Hey!" one of the cops called after him.

He spotted all five of them, on the floor, unconscious.

"Hanna!" Caleb yelled.

He held his breathe and grabbed Hanna, picking her up and taking her out of the greenhouse. When he got out the EMT's were bringing gurneys up the hill.

"Help please!" Caleb pleaded. 

"We've got her," an EMT reassured.

Caleb let her go and set her down on the gurney. They held their flashlights and scanned for any signs of trauma. Caleb ran his hands through his hair and clenched it in agony.

"What's wrong with her?" Caleb asked.

They didn't answer him. The rest of the team came filing out with the rest of the girls.

"Are they okay? Are they alive?" Caleb asked again.

"They'll be fine," they said. That was all the answers he got from them. Guilt was crushing him. He was supposed to have protected them all, now look at them. He didn't even know if they were alive. All he could do was watch as the crew loaded them into ambulances to take them to the hospital. Caleb didn't know what to do, or how to help. He had already mucked it up. Parker was gone, and there was nothing he could do to find her. He was stuck.

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