Chapter 21

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Parker awoke the next morning. The sun hadn't even rose yet, but its tint was beginning to light the sky. Parker opened her eyes slowly and looked around the room until she spotted her mom with a cup of coffee in her hands, looking out of the window. Her heart sunk again as she was reminded of what she had found out this weekend. The truth about herself and birth parents. Parker still wasn't sure how to address the issue, or if she was even upset about it at all. She wondered if she could've handled the news sooner. She also wondered why A hadn't broken the news sooner, it was a piece of information A would've gladly exploited for their own benefit. Parker didn't say anything at first, she just watched her mom gaze out the window. Her father wasn't in the room, or around, it appeared. She wondered if he had left. Once Regina noticed that Parker was awake, she came right to her side.

"Good morning," Regina greeted softly. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired," was the perfect word to describe it. Her body still felt heavy and empty. She had just woken up and she wanted to drift back to sleep. She was surprised that the drug Lexie had her on was so potent, she figured it would've been gone by now. It appeared she was still having the aftershocks. Parker looked over at her wrist to reveal that the IV was gone, she wasn't hooked up to anything aside from oxygen. That was the first time in days since that had happened. Regina followed her daughter's gaze.

"A nurse took that out this morning while you were sleeping. Your blood levels are finally stable," Regina informed. "They said it'll be a few more hours until the sedative is out of your system."

"Where's Dad?" Parker asked. She hated the way that sounded coming from her lips. He wasn't her father. He never was and now she knew why.

"He went home last night, he'll be back this morning," Regina said.

Parker wanted to ignore the elephant in the room, but it was eating her up inside. She couldn't look at her mother the same way anymore. She had to get it out. She knew that once she said the words, she'd never get to take it back. This peaceful moment between them would be gone. As awful and awkward of a conversation it would be she needed answers. She had been lied to all her life. Her life wasn't even hers. Parker Scott was a name that she was given, it wasn't even hers. Parker was so overcome by her thoughts her eyes started to well, and she couldn't stop it.

"I need to tell you something," Parker said.

"What is it?" Regina asked.

Parker tried to gulp down her fear and just say it. It wasn't easy to look her mom, or who she thought to be her mom, in the eyes and tell her that she wasn't her daughter. Her throat was dry, and it seemed be closing up on her.

"When I was with Lexie, she showed me a picture of my birth certificate," Parker said.

Parker watched Regina's eyes flicker, and she watched her facial expression shift more seriously.

"I don't understand," Regina said.

"My real birth certificate," Parker clarified.

Regina leaned back in her chair and began to process what Parker was saying and meaning. Parker clenched her jaw and tried to control her emotions. Regina stayed quiet for a few moments, she wasn't ready do have the conversation, especially not after everything that happened this last weekend. They just got her back and now this.

"We are your real parents, regardless of what your birth certificate says," Regina said firmly.

"Just tell me the truth," Parker pleaded.

Regina stayed quiet, unsure of how to proceed. Sean appeared in the doorway of the hospital room, just in time to save Regina from the conversation she was dreading to have. Sean entered carrying Parker's backpack, and a bouquet of flowers. Parker scoffed at the gesture. Like it was some award she received for managing to stay alive despite being drugged and kidnapped. At least he was trying, she had to recognize that. Sean set the flowers down and began to read the room. Regina was quiet and didn't greet him as he entered.

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