Chapter 25

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The day of graduation came and went fast than all of the liars were ready for. They had sat in the sweltering gym in their blue gowns for two hours, waiting for their name to be called to receive their diploma. The last few weeks had been nothing but homework and catching up for the liars, and by some miracle they all were able to pass their classes and move on from the high school that had tormented them for years.

After graduation they all had returned to their respective homes to celebrate with their families. Veronica Hastings invited the girls to her home later that night for a graduation celebration. She thought that after everything the girls deserved at least one A free night of celebration. They were all instructed to come in their best attire.

The backyard held strings of lights, snacks scattered across tables, and some celebratory music played in the background. Parker showed up first, dressed in a standard black and white suit. Veronica led her through the house to the backyard.

"Thank you for all of this Mrs. Hastings," Parker thanked.

"Of course! You girls should be proud of yourselves," Veronica replied. "Dinner is almost here, it's just pizza, hope you don't mind?" Veronica joked.

"Not at all," Parker reassured. She was just grateful they were even celebrating at all. Veronica was so generous to offer her home to them all to party and sleepover for the night. After all these years Parker though she'd despise them and all the hell they put their parents through.

"Hey," Spencer greeted.

"Hey," Parker smiled before embracing Spencer.

"How are you doing?" Spencer asked.

"I'm okay, really. It's been a good day," Parker smiled.

"Well, you only graduate high school once," Spencer pointed out.

"It's weird to think that we're done, I mean really, done," Parker replied.

Spencer nodded in agreement.

"Hey!" Hanna greeted with Caleb wrapped around her arm.

"You look great Han," Spencer said, embracing the couple.

"Yeah, she does," Caleb agreed, making them all chuckle.

"Where's your date?" Hanna asked.

"She's on her way," Parker said.

"Speaking of her, what's going on with you two?" Spencer asked, inquiring more about their relationship status. Parker and Aria hadn't made anything official yet, and still hadn't told Alison. Parker assumed Alison already knew though, she figured Emily or someone else would've told her.

"We're figuring it out," Parker replied.

"Yeah, figuring it out by spending every day and night together," Hanna teased, hinting at the morning Hanna found them in Parker's bed together.

"I mean seriously when are you going to make it official?"

Parker shrugged. Of course, she'd thought about it, but she didn't want to berede Aria with it. They were just getting to a good place. She didn't want to risk ruining it. After everything that happened between Emily and Alison, and Ezra, she didn't want to rush anything. It was still new.

"You'll be the first to know. I promise," Parker replied.

"First to know what?" Aria inquired.

Parker turned in surprise to see Aria standing with her hair up in a clip, and a short strapless black dress. Parker was stunned. The only girl she saw in the room was Aria. Parker walked to her and they embraced on the porch.

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