Chapter 16

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😗sorry for any mistakes

Brooklyn, New YorkNovember 23rdThursday

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Brooklyn, New York
November 23rd

Sage put his car in park after pulling into the parking spot across the street from Zaniyah and Iyanna's apartment.

He frowned at his phone when he saw a text from his mom. She sent him a link to an article named PPD.

He decided to call her instead of texting back to ask what PPD was. As the phone rang, he turned his car off and sat back in his seat to wait for her to answer. "Hey Bop! Happy Thanksgiving!" Latoya's voice came through making him smile.

"Happy thanksgiving ma. You and Mimi cookin'?" He asked, watching the people walk the sidewalk. Some carrying aluminum pans and others carrying grocery bags all dressed up.

"Yep. You kno' your cousins comin' over. Whatchu cookin'? or have you already started?" She asked, sounding like she was moving around.

"Nah, Z Godparents still in town so her Godmom cookin' for everyone today. She has been cookin' since yesterday I think," He said. Usually, he doesn't celebrate much for thanksgiving since most of the time he has a game. The team probably would do a potluck if they do have games before a game but he was out for a little while because of his daughter.

"Oh they are still there, you like them? They nice?" She asked, getting serious.

"Yeah, they're really cool. Ha' Godmom, fine as hell too. S— Bop!" She cut him off laughing.

He chuckled "I'm serious."

The past few weeks that Niyah's Godparents have been down, it was surprisingly good. He didn't know what to expect but he didn't expect them to be so chill and very helpful and also accepting. He thought they were going to try to take over things with Niyah and Kheumani but they weren't.

He also thought they were going to be shady about him getting their only child pregnant too.

They gave advice here and there but never was it in a shady way. They even sat down to try to get to know Sage. He was appreciative of it.

He could tell Niyah got her genuineness from them because they have just been trying to make him feel accepted.

"But that's good. I'm glad things goin' well. When can I meet them?" She asked.

"I can talk to them about settin' something up. I think you and her Godmom would get along real good. Y'all are similar"

"Oouu, give her my Facebook then"

Sage laughed "Okay. But I called you ta' ask about that article you sent me about PPD. What's dat?" He questioned.

"See, I told your Mimi you didn't kno' about it but that's my fault for not talkin' to you about it befo'. But it's Postpartum Depression, which is what women and sometimes men get after having a baby. It'll be better for you to research it and read up on it on your own for your own understanding. After birth isn't always peaches and cream and I don't want you to spazz out on Niyah before understanding why changes for her are happening. Especially with everything goin' on wit' her all over social media and stuff. That can really affect her badly" She explained.

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