Chapter 21

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Brooklyn, New YorkMay 11thFriday

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Brooklyn, New York
May 11th

"Joi... I'm 'bout ta beat yo' ass in ten seconds" Zaniyah said, poking her tongue against her cheek in her mouth as the video continues to play on the phone.

Iyanna slowly took the phone out of Zaniyah's hand, seeing how mad she looked. She hoped she didn't cause a scene since they were in public at the moment.

Joi frowned "Why? I didn't tell her to do that!" She reasoned, throwing her hands up in surrender.

"You're the reason that bitch fucked my car up! You" Zaniyah raised her voice slightly, looking at her friend from across the table weirdly.

"How was I supposed to kno' she was crazy Niyah?" Joi staled faced her.

Zaniyah picked up a napkin, balling it up first before throwing it at Joi "Stop eatin' these bitches pussy and you would know" Zaniyah fussed, making everyone at the table burst into laughter but she was serious.

It's been a week since someone put sugar, and bleach in Niyah's tank. Slashed her three tires, and stuck jolly ranchers on her windshield. She was still clueless about why someone would do that. That was until Joi was sent the video of a girl she messed with damaging Zaniyah's car.

She and Joi were talking for a minute on and off. One day she saw Joi and Niyah together at the mall and assumed Joi was 'cheating' on her.

"I don't eat these bitches out. I jus' fuck them" Joi rolled her eyes, taking her phone from Iyanna since the video of the girl and her friends laughing as they slashed Niyah's tires was still playing.

"She's so weird tho. The day she claimed she saw us, I literally had Kheumani. So why the fuck would she think we were together in that way?" Niyah said, getting angry all over again. Yes, she got a new car the next day but it was still the principle of the situation.

"I say beat her ass" Ty commented, sipping out of his drinking.

Zaniyah's leg started bouncing up and down underneath the table. She was so heated, it was the fact that the girl followed her home. Where she and her baby lays their head over something they should've asked first.

Sage placed his hand on her thigh to stop her leg from moving. "She is a mom now. She doesn't need to be fighting and risk goin' ta' jail and shit" Sage shook his head, rubbing her thigh in hopes to calm her down.

"You're absolutely right but that doesn't mean I can't beat her ass" Joi shrugged, typing away at her phone "If she was really mad, she should have come to me. Then if she saw us at the mall, I know she saw us goin' in damn baby stores with a whole stroller." She scoffed, putting her phone down on the table.

"Now she tryna act delusional, talkin' about how she didn't know we were jus' friends. Bitch if you would've asked, you would kno'. But no you went to some crazy shit and we weren't even talkin' so the fuck" Joi spoke annoyed.

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