Chapter 27

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😗sorry for any mistakes

(Read the last chapter first if you forgot

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(Read the last chapter first if you forgot. Y'all better comment too!!)

Brooklyn, New York
August 1st

"Sa'yuri, if you don't smile in the picture. What is the matter?" Sage frowned, looking at his daughter who was just blankly looking back at him. Sage sucked his teeth, taking the picture of her anyways.

"You must not like the braid I did?" Sage asked, putting his phone off to the side of him

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"You must not like the braid I did?" Sage asked, putting his phone off to the side of him. "I ain't yo' momma. Stop lookin' at me like that" He joked, picking her up from the swing.

"You always talkin' shit," Zaniyah said from the kitchen, making him laugh.

"Why does she have on these shoes and she ain' going nowhere?" He questioned, looking at the black air force ones Kheumani had on as she tried to get out of his arms. "And why the hell did you get her on black forces?" He laughed.

She was a dangerous baby. She got into everything that she could crawl too.

"Because! They looked so cute online. And they didn't have the white pair." Niyah giggled, getting ice from the freezer. "Those are her first pair of shoes too. I have to get her those black charlie brown shoes soon" She added as Sage started taking Kheumani's shoes off.

"What are charlie brown shoes?" Sage asked, putting Kheumani down so she could crawl around her play area. Sage had to get a fence to form a circle so Kheumani couldn't get everywhere like she tries to. The other day he let her out of the fence and she tried to go towards the stairs. The stairs aren't baby friendly either.

"The shoes that help her walk. Have you never had walking shoes? My Godmommy calls them charlie brown shoes" She chuckled, coming into the living room with a plate in her hand.

"Maybe, I have to see a picture first," Sage stated, standing up to his feet. He climbed over the fence and then flopped down on the couch next to Zaniyah. "She was supposed to have them but you know. I've been lacking " She chuckled, letting him take one spicy noodle—spring rolls she had on her plate.

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