Chapter 2

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Louis' POV:

Harry looks so lost I should probably help him. "Hey Harry, do you need help finding your classes?"

"Oh, uhm, yes actually"

"I could show you around if you'd like. I'll ask the principal if I can. Let's go see."

He follows me to the office and I ask if I can show him around. She gives us a note incase teachers stop us in the corridors. She also tells us that we can leave school as soon as we are done because what is the point of only going to a few classes and skipping the rest. Plus it's the first day, we probably won't be doing any work.

After showing Harry around~

Harry's POV:

"Harry you seem really fun, would you want to come over to my house and stay for dinner maybe?"

"Oh yeah of course, thank you for being so kind"

I follow him back to the principal to tell her we are leaving. We walk out of the school.

"Hey so there is this coffee place right next to where I live, if you want to stop there before we go to my house" Louis says

"Yeah that sounds fun"

We go into the coffee place and he orders something for me because I didn't know what to get. We sit down and drink our coffee and talk about random crap.

"So where do you live?" He asks

Okay Harry you have to lie. Nobody can know the truth. Nobody can know your poor.

"Oh I live in this mansion in the middle of the woods. It sounds pretty unbelievable but it's really cool. No neighbors to bother us. Big space to live. It's great." I lie.

"Oh that sounds awesome, my house isn't too great compared to what yours sounds like" he replied.

"Oh well we should get going" I state.

"Okay yeah let's go" he says.

"Oh, Louis I am just gonna head to my house, maybe I could come over another time. I should help my dad finish unpacking. You know we have loads of things."

"Okay Harry. Do you want me to walk you?"

"No!"... "I mean no thank you. I can get there on my own but thank you. Have a good night. And thank you for showing me around today. See ya"

Louis' POV:

"Wait but H-"
And he's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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