Part 5 - Its POV

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I got a good laugh from that girl in the mirror sometime ago. It was funny when I would do things and she would blame it on that damned ghost. I know he's been on my ass ever since that mirror thing, so I just stayed in my little room in the attic the whole time and never came down. Not once during the day and not once during the night. He's so attentive with his house searches. It's annoying. That bastard won't give himself a break and let me have a chance to come back down at least once to catch a glimpse of my new prey. That ghost is really getting on my nerves.

One night at about 3:45am, I snuck down from the attic and glided across the house to the master bedroom. All I wanted to do was announce my presence to the house owner again. A little scratch on her skin would suffice. Just a scratch. Maybe she'll blame it on HIM again. I would love to hear that argument.

Once I got inside, I found her asleep in her bed. She was very silent and very still like a fresh corpse resting in its coffin. How sweet and innocent she looked sleeping like that. I approached her bed and reached a hand out, but a sudden voice stopped me.

Yoongi: I knew you would try to pay her a visit eventually. It was only a matter of time.

The ghost stood with his arms crossed and an emotionless expression on his face in front of the window right above where his rotting corpse was underneath the house. Interesting spot to be standing in, if I do say so myself. Was it on purpose? He also wasn't there before. I thought he was a vengeful spirit for having been murdered, so why was he being so... casual? What does he know?

I ignored him and lunged for the girl, but I ran into something and was knocked off my feet. The ghost laughed at me tauntingly. He was just waiting for me to do that. That spirit was so infuriating. Why did I have to get stuck with HIM?! I stared at the bed in shock. What just happened? It was like there was a wall there, but I didn't see anything.

Yoongi: Nice try—but no.

I snarled at him. I jumped back up and tried to fight my way past the invisible wall, but with little success. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break through. The ghost yawned sarcastically, teasing my efforts.

Yoongi: Are you done? You're boring me. I would much rather see you jump into it again. That was funny.

I still said nothing to him. If anything, I was only getting angrier. 

I had already given up fighting the invisible wall.

Yoongi: I can't get through, either. Believe me, I tried. It's pointless to try to force your way in.

The ghost strolled over to the bed and casually leaned his shoulder to the invisible wall, still keeping his arms folded, even his legs were crossed and the soles of his feet weren't touching the floor, only the sides. This man was really getting on my nerves—And I know he was doing it on purpose to tick me off. If he were still alive, I would strangle him.

Yoongi: Go ahead, princess. Try it again, I dare you. Make my night.

I wanted to squeeze him by the throat so bad at this point. AND WHERE DID "PRINCESS" COME FROM?!?! He is out of his damn mind to be so bold as to call me that! Who does he think he is?! I will shove his stupid pride down his stupid gullet if he dares to even THINK of calling me a name like that again!

I charged at him with a demonic scream just to keep him on his toes, then disappeared with a small chuckle. It was amusing to see him flinch and jump like a scaredy cat. He even tripped over himself and fell backwards while trying to avoid me. Once I disappeared from his view, I glided straight back up to my room in the attic, isolating myself again, waiting for the next moment to strike back. I knew it might take a while, but it was going to be worth the wait.

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