Gun Control

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Glenn's brains are now covering the bat, mixed in with Abraham's. Rick is violently shaking out of rage and everyone else is in tears and shock.

Negan made me kill not only Abe, but Glenn as well. Glenn was added to the list after Daryl punched Negan, after he made a comment about me being a natural born killer.

My fists are clenched so hard that my knuckles are pure white, and the sweatshirt I'm wearing is covered in blood. Negan saunters over to me and puts his arm around my shoulders, with his bat slung over his shoulder. He has the appearance of leaning into me but he actually has quite good footing. If he didn't I would be toppling over from the weight.

"Now, I hope we all learned a very important lesson today. But just to make sure that it's really engraved into your thick skulls. I'm gonna take one of you with me. And I think Prick knows which one it's gonna be." Negan sneers and Rick's eyes go wide.

"No! Please! Don't! Take me instead! It can be me!" Rick pleads and Negan sneers.

"No, Rick, I need to make sure you behave and don't try to start anything. So, I'm gonna take Tiger here with me to my compound. And if you don't do as I say, well...let's just say she'll pay the price." Negan states the last part in a dangerous tone.

"Put her in the back of the truck!" Negan orders and shoves me towards his men.

I can hear Rick pleading with Negan as I'm shoved inside of the U-haul type of truck and the door is slammed down. It's dark as I lean against the cool metal of the wall. My thoughts are non existent as the truck starts up and soon I fall asleep to the rhythmic turn of the wheels.


I wake up to being tackled to the hard ground. I look around and see there's woods all around me along with a bunch of dead walkers. I spit some dirt out of my mouth that I can only assume got there from being tackled in such a rough manner.

"What the fuck happened?!" I hear Negan shout and I'm wondering the same thing.

"I don't know, one minute we're driving, the next I feel a quick tug from the back of the truck. We stopped and saw that the door was somehow slammed open and the girl was running into the woods. We found her fighting off these dead fucks." Simon explains as he pulls me off the dirt.

I look down at myself and see that I'm covered in even more blood now. I smell and almost look like a walker.

"She doesn't have any weapons. How the hell did she kill all these?" One of the men ask.

"With one of the fucking bolts that was attached to the door." Negan says as he goes over to one of the dead walkers and yanks a large bolt out of if it's skull.

"Stay here, see if you can scavenge anything off of them." Negan orders his men as he forcefully grabs me by my arm.

I'm pulled away from Simon's grip and led to a different vehicle by Negan. He stomps angrily the entire way towards the truck.

"Get that fucking shit off." He huffs and points to the bloody sweatshirt, hands me a towel and then a clean t-shirt.

He turns his back, blocking me from the view of anyone who might be coming around the truck. I take the sweatshirt off and put the black t-shirt on after I wipe some of the blood off of my skin with the wet towel.

I huff, letting Negan know that it's clear and he scoffs and turns around. He quirks a brow as he looks me up and down, taking his time.

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