confession <3

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sonic was laying down on his bed thinking hard.

"ugh, but if i just tell him its going to be boring!! i need to tell him in a special way!!" sonic slapped himself, and then an idea came to mind.

'cool carnivals near me' sonic typed those words to the google search bar, in hopes to finding an amazing carnival to take his crush out.  sonic has had a crush on shadow for over a year, ever since they decided to become friends and hanging out more, sonic fell in love with him. everything about shadow was amazing, his style, his red crimson eyes.. oh how sonic could get lost in those beautiful eyes, he loved everything about shadow. That's why sonic wants to confess to shadow in a special way, he was special to him.

"bingo!" sonic shouted, then covered his mouth quickly. He knew this was very cheesy and he knows shadow may make fun of him for it but he likes the idea of the old ferris wheel confession thing. He then picked up his phone to text shadow, he was scared but he can't just hide his feelings forever.

                                                                                    Shadz! <3

Sonic: ' Hey Shadz!! B) '

he waited for the others response.

Shadow: ' what do you want, hedgehog? '

Sonic: ' I was just wondering if you wanna go to this carnival place, I heard they make good funnel cakee ;D '

sonic hesitated for a second, then he quickly clicked 'send' and ran away from his phone.

ping! sonic slowly grabbed his phone and checked it.

Shadow: ' sure, but you're paying for it. <3 '

Sonic: ' aww you sent a heartt!! C: <3 '

Shadow: ' Shut up. '

Sonic: ' rude, anyways I'll pick you up at 4pm !! if you come out late you're paying ! '

Shadow: ' Fine, cya later. '

Sonic couldn't stop smiling, he let go of  his phone and covered his face with his hands, hopefully he won't ruin their friendship..

Sonic arrived at Shadows apartment, he was wearing a cool brown sweater since it was chilly outside and skinny jeans. He was about to knock on the door, until shadow opened it.

He was wearing those puffy black jackets with fur and some jeans. A cat appeared behind shadow, when she looked up towards the blue hedgehog she quickly ran towards him and rubbed herself on sonics legs. Sonic leaned down to pet the puffy white cat and picked her up. " I missed you too, mei !" Sonic smiled. Shadow stared at him, he also loved him. ' cute '  shadow thought, then mei jumped off sonic and ran back inside the apartment. " She's adorable, anyway, lets go! or the funnel cake will be all gone ! " sonic said jokingly. " Alright, Alright lets go. " shadow walked out the door, looked back and said goodbye to his cat before closing and locking the door with his keys. 

time skip to the carnival !!

" ooo!! this place is soo pretty !!" Sonic looked around excitedly, Shadow watched in awe.

" first ! lets go to the rides and then I'll buy you that funnel cake, you might vomit all over me. " Sonic said to shadow. " hmm, alright then. where shall we go? " Shadow looked at sonic while he was in deep thinking. 
" hmm.. ooh!! lets go to the carousel !! " Shadow loved that ride, but never said it out loud, he thought it was childish. " Sure, that ride is cool !!"

After the two explored the place and went on rides for an hour or so, it was 5:30pm, sonic thought that maybe now they can go to the ferris wheel.

" Hey !! do you wanna go to the ferris wheel? " Sonic said to Shadow who was eating his funnel cake. " Hmm, yeah why not! "

As they sat down on the cold seats, they just looked out the window.

" The view here is nice, we can see the rides and the sun.. " Shadow broke the silence. " the sun looks beautiful, but it will look better when we're on top !! " Sonic smiled.

They were close to the top and the sun started to set, when sonic finally had decided what to say, he spoke.

" Hey Shadow ? " Sonic looked at the black and red hedgehog in front of him.

"Hm ? "

Sonic was scared, but he needed to tell him. " Can I tell you something ? " Sonic was very nervous. Shadow turned to look at sonic " You can tell me anything. " 

Sonic gulped.

" I know you may not feel the same way but.. "

" but ? " Shadow looked at sonic with a confused expression.

" I like you, shadow. "

Shadow was surprised and then blushed.

looking away to hide the blush he replied. " I like you, too "

Sonic smiled, blushing too.

" I want to kiss you so bad right now. " Sonic looked away while shadow looked at him.

Shadow got up and sat down next to him, then grabbed sonics chin and making his face look at him. " do it then. " sonic started turning into a very red tomato, then shadow leaned in to kiss him. Sonic melted, shadows lips felt like soft gummy bears, and then they seperated from the kiss, they stared at eachother for a while. Sonic was about to say something until the ride stopped. Then the worker opened the door and they both walked out.

" that was so cheesy, and cute. " Shadow smiled a bit, while sonic still looked like a tomato. " shut up. " sonic rolled his eyes. " make me. " sonic looked at shadow and gave him a kiss on the cheek. " now lets go please, i am tiredd "  Sonic said to shadow, who was a bit shocked of the sudden kiss on the cheek sonic gave him. " Fine, lazy ass. "


THE END !! hope you guys enjoyed this :D !

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