they accidentally punch you

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warnings: reader getting punched in the face, swearing, wrote at 4am. if anymore please tell me!

Finny:you where walking to school when you seen Finny and Gwen ahead of you, you, being the smart person you are decided to sneak up behind him knowing Robin gave him lessons yesterday to stand up to his bullies

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you where walking to school when you seen Finny and Gwen ahead of you, you, being the smart person you are decided to sneak up behind him knowing Robin gave him lessons yesterday to stand up to his bullies. obviously not expecting him to literally do anything. your not even going to scare them so what's the big deal?

you where walking up behind them and decided to put your arm around his shoulders, about to say something but before you even got a chance he punched you right on your cheek.

you quickly let go of him and screamed "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK FINNY??"

Gwen quickly looked over with a shocked expression on her face.

"HOLY, IM SORRY Y/N! WHY DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT? AND WHY DIDINT YOU SAY ANYTHING?" he said, now attracting eyes from random people passing.

"i was just about to!!" you reply lowering your voice

let's say you won't be doing that anymore.

Robin:you where just walking to Robins house because why not? you weren't invited or anything but your allowed to anytime you want

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you where just walking to Robins house because why not? you weren't invited or anything but your allowed to anytime you want. his uncle even said so.

you knock on the door but nobody answered so you just let yourself in.

your walking to his room and open the door to see nobody in the room. you go to turn around but when you do somebody punches you on your cheek.

what the fuck

"AHH WHAT THE FUCK" you scream with your eyes closed

"Y/N??" the person yells

you open your eyes to see robin and he seems surprised

"WHY ARE YOU WEARING A HOOD??" he not so quietly asks

"BECAUSE ITS COLD?" you say back in the same tone.

he apologized and told you not to do that again

Vance:you woke up drenching in sweat and realize that your window is open and it's about 30 degrees out, so you took the blanket of yourself and changed into some shorts and a shirt, you picked up your wallet and started to leave to start walking ...

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you woke up drenching in sweat and realize that your window is open and it's about 30 degrees out, so you took the blanket of yourself and changed into some shorts and a shirt, you picked up your wallet and started to leave to start walking to the grab n go.

before you left you made sure to brush your teeth and anything else you need to do.

you arrive at the grab n go and see vance at that stupid machine threw the window. you walk in and you instantly feel the air conditioning making you feel 100 times better.

you make you way to get a coke from the fridge and go to the cashier to pay. once your done you go over to vance and just watch him for a few seconds before you decide to lean your head on his shoulders, assuming that he knows your there of course.

well you assumed wrong i guess

because right when you did that he jumped which made him loose which made him mad which made him quickly turn around and punch your right in your nose.

"WHAT THE FUCK" you both scream at the same time.

you look down at your hand to see it's bleeding. of fucking course.

he also made me drop my coke thats now shattered on the ground.


"why the fuck did you do that" he say not as aggressively as before while also holding both sides of your face to see your bleeding nose.

"what do you mean? i always do that. i just assumed you knew i was there" you reply

he lets out a long sigh and the worker comes over with a mop and broom, and hands it to vance.

"you owe me a new coke by the way. and fix my fucking nose while your at it."

he just gives me a sarcastic smile

from that point on you always said "i'm here by the way incase you didn't know" just to mock him and to not get punched in the nose again.

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