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I storm into class, throwing my bag on the floor, "hey fuckface." I hear from behind me, I just ignore it, this day did not need to get any worse.

After class had ended I threw my bag over my shoulder hurriedly and ran out. I start walking faster when I hear familiar footsteps behind me, "Oi! I was talking to you in class, why'd you ignore me?" I spun around to see none other than Robin Arellano.

"Fuck off douchebag. I don't need more lectures on how I'm stupid and have no friends, trust me, I know." I slapped him across the face, causing a red mark to appear there. He just stood there stunned as I walked away. I didn't feel bad for slapping him, not one bit. If I could tear that bitch to shreds then shove him in a microwave I would. For no absolute reason he just always seemed to hate me, when I was walking past him, approaching him, greeting him, even coming an INCH closer to him made him run away.

I don't know what he has against me, but I don't think I want to find out.

*In class*

I was just sitting at my desk, trying to ignore Vance shooting paper spit balls at me when I was called to the office. I stood up and hesitantly picked up my bag as I heard "oooh"'s from all over the room, I flipped everyone off as I walked out.

I approached the principals office and shoved the door open when I noticed Robin standing there, his mouth covered in blood.

"Jeez, what happened to you?" I chuckled to myself, when the office manager walked in. "Excuse me, Y/n is it?" I nodded my head slowly at her when she asked me and Robin to follow her. As we were walking he pushed me into a wall and called me clumsy, I got in trouble for "pretending".

When we finally reached the room with the security cameras she played back a recording from 1:36 of me hitting Robin. I noticed him smiling to himself, as if he felt accomplished.

"This clearly is you in the video, Miss Y/n. Punching Robin? Unfortunately you will be suspended for a couple days, violence is not the answer to whatever problems you guys are having." I shook my head in disbelief, as Robin was thanking her.

"Excuse me? I gave him a little slap, I never punched him!" I fought. They both gave me a death stare as I wiped off robins "blood". More like paint.

The lady glanced at him, and when she noticed there was no mark on him she went nuts.

"Okay. Miss Y/n, you will not be suspended. BUT! Since you 𝙙𝙞𝙙  hit him, that would be a couple of days in detention. You too Mr. Arellano, for false accusation."

I immediately begged her to let me have detention another week, I didn't care that I had to do it, I just didn't want to be with HIM. She told me I was making a fool of myself and that there would be no chance I could have it a different week.

I was standing there with my head banging on the wall outside, when I could feel Robin smirking at me as he walked past.

To make things even worse, the week we had detention we also had a project that we had been paired up for. I was not even a little bit excited having to spend time with him, but he must have figured it would be a good way to torment me, because he was the happiest I had ever seen him when we were paired.

After I reached my classroom everyone surrounded me. "What did you do?!" "Did you cuss out Mr. Blee again?" "Or Mr. Luke?!" "Well — what about Mr. Garrison?!" "Why'd you walk in with Arellano? Did he kick your ass?!"

Questions flooded my ears like crazy, instead of answering any of them I just turned around and walked out. I could hear my teacher yelling my name from my classroom, but I ignored it and kept walking.

Finally it was lunch, I walked into the cafeteria and noticed a girl waving at me. I went and sat down with her when she introduced herself as Gwen, she was sitting with her brother, Finney.

We talked for a while and had a couple laughs when she started waving at someone else to come over, I couldn't see who it was through the crowd of people. "I want you to meet someone! If you haven't already met them — that is." She seemed so happy, so I was excited to meet her friend.

I heard a tray clatter onto the table next to Finney, who was sitting across from us. I looked up and went to greet them. "Hell-! Robin?!" I stared at him, shocked. And he seemed to have the same reaction, I rolled my eyes and thumped my head into the table.

"Soo— you guys DO know eachother?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. Y/n loves me. I mean she ran out of class today as soon as she heard someone say my name, you sure you aren't falling in love with me, princess?" Robin smiled at me and I death stared him.

Gwen let out a massive gasp, "You two are dating arent you?!"

I shook my head then placed it back onto the table. I couldn't see robins face but I heard him say "ew gross. I was just joking around. Never in a million years." I felt thankful he said that, he would never like me in a million years and I would never like him. Thats how it was supposed to be.

I looked up and stared at Robin, he seemed to have noticed and held eye contact, because he winked at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed, "you always used to run away from me and tell me I had cooties whenever I tried to communicate with you, now you're being flirty and weird? What's up with you. Cant you just go back to ignoring me completely?!"

He chuckled a bit and I excused myself to go to the bathroom, god he was so annoying. A couple minutes later I heard someone walk in and I froze in place, I sighed with relief when I realised it was Gwen.

"Are you okay Y/n? Are you even in here?"

I opened the stall I was in and walked out to talk to her, "he's just so annoying! He ignores me and runs away from me, then randomly changes and acts all flirty? Hes gross!" I started rambling.

She suddenly placed a hand over my mouth to stop me from talking. "Girl.. it sounds like he has a crush on you."

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