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A/N: I'll put the authors note at this start this time. Anyways, this fan fiction is just simply my take on what would happen if Izuku and Ochako ever broke up. So a lot of stuff doesnt make sense and it's infested with a bunch of headcanons, but other than that I wrote this for pain and funsies! This was initially supposed to be a one-shot that was around 4k words, but I realized I had so much stuff I simply wanted to add and it ended up being over 20k words before I knew it! O_o pls enjoy bcs I worked very hard on this!
(Sorry for making Ochako severely depressed. She's my Guinea pig and I have fun putting her in pain)

Tw//self-harm, implied eating disorder, underage smoking


Ochako was rudely woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. It was a faint sound at the back of her dream, but it was too loud for her to ignore. She lets out a groan and rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Who was crazy enough to call her at 9 am on a Saturday? Ochako was never a morning person and greatly appreciated waking up after 10 am.

She fumbles around for her cell phone and the caller id is no other than Izuku Midoriya.

She rolls her eyes and lets out a dramatic groan. Izuku was her boyfriend and she loved him dearly, but she also loved her sleep. She still answers the call. Just in case it might be something important.

"Good morning, 'Zuku." Ochako mumbles, closing her eyes, feeling her sleepiness come back.

She hears Izuku let out a nervous chuckle. She doesn't think too much about it. "G-Good morning." He stutters back. Ochako was too tired to realize he was clearly nervous and anxious about something.

"Hey, uhm. Can I come over? I need to talk to you about something..." Ochakos eyebrows furrow. She notices the difference in his tone and the way it sounds harsher, but also more nervous than usual. She gets a little nervous and hope's whatever he has to tell her isn't horrible.

She wouldn't be able to handle devastating news.

"Mmhm. Sure. My parents should be leaving for work soon, so if you wanna come over then, I don't mind." Ochako says. Izuku had met her parents before and mainly came over to her house when they were home, so it wasn't like she didn't want him to be there at the same time as her parents. She just wanted to talk to him alone.

"Alright. I'll be there in an hour." Izuku says. Ochako smiles. "Okay, bye-bye."

"Bye.." Izuku is the one to hang up the call. Ochako sighs and decides to get out of bed. She had a small gut feeling that something wasn't going to go well that day, but she told it to shut up and go away.

She was tired of having negative thoughts. And besides, she would get to see her cute boyfriend today.

After washing up in the bathroom and eating breakfast with her parents–consisting of scrambled eggs and miso soup–and wishing them a good day as they left, she went to her room to change into comfortable, but more appropriate clothing.

Izuku had seen her wearing less than her pajamas before, but she thought it would be nice to look at least a little presentable. So she decided on wearing an oversized blue hoodie that was actually her father's and a pair of leggings. The leaves were starting to change colors and the temperature was slowly getting cooler, and the cultural festival was right around the corner.

Before she knew it, a knock was on her door and she hopped up, excited to see her green-haired boyfriend.

"Hi 'Zuku!" Ochako chirps, stepping aside to let him in. Izuku awkwardly smiles. "H-Hey." He says, removing his shoes near the front door. He was simply wearing a green hoodie and black sweatpants.

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