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sorry for taking so long to update. I was about to edit this part when I realized I kinda left a few thing like...hanging there unresolved. So I was considering adding more, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Lol. Anyways, this isn't exactly the end, there'll be a sixth part but idk when I'm gonna write that. Going over this kinda made me realize their relationship isn't exactly healthy, but it fits. Okay!!! Thankkk youuu for reading♡♡♡♡(ignore any typos)


Ochako was rudely woken up by the sound of her phone ringing. It was a faint sound at the back of her dream, but it was too loud for her to ignore. She lets out a groan and rubs the sleep out of her eyes.

It was darker in her room than earlier as she fumbled around for her phone in the dark. The sun had started to set, so she assumed it was around five pm.

Once she successfully finds her phone, the caller Id is no other than Izuku Midoriya. The boy who drove her crazy. She let out a yawn and answered it, putting it on speaker–as she was too tired to hold her hand up, and closed her eyes.

"Hey. I called you like five times." Izuku says quickly, in a worried tone. Ochako lets out a breathy laugh at the way he still seemed to care for her even after basically admitting to her he thinks she's fucking crazy. "I was sleeping." Ochako says.

"Of course you were." Izuku says, a small smile on his lips, even though she can't see him. "Can I come over? I want to talk to you." Izuku asks. Ochako gets a small feeling of deja vu but shakes it off.

"Are you going to be nice to me?" She asks. She wouldn't let him come over just to continue being a dick. She'd probably punch the shit out of him if he said anything similar to what he said earlier.

"Of course." Izuku says honestly. Ochako sighs and picks at her lip. "Uhm. I have to ask my mom. I'll text you whatever her answer is." She says.

"Thank you." Izuku says softly. Ochako just hums as an answer and they share their goodbyes. Ochako pushes her phone off her chest, which is where it laid while she was talking to Izuku. She stands up, turning on her dim desk lamp.


Izuku waits anxiously after he rings the doorbell to Ochako's house. He was more concerned with Ochakos dad being the one to answer the door. Just thinking about him gave him violent shivers. He was a big intimidating guy, obviously over six feet tall. He constantly gave Izuku death glares for a while when he had first started dating Ochako. It was uncomfortable, but Ochakos mom was always the nicer one so it relieved his anxiety.

Izuku is snapped out of his thoughts when the door opens. He looks up, prepared to see the man that was dreading his arrival. Although, no one was there which made him look down in confusion, causing him to make eye contact with Ochako. He was a good few inches taller than her and had to look down if he wanted to see her face.

"Sorry for taking so long to answer. I had to argue with pa about answering the door. I didn't want him to scare you." Ochako says gently, opening the door wider for him to come in. Her soft voice and country accent calms him down a little and his heart rate goes back to normal.

"It's okay. I was nervous anyways." Izuku chuckles to himself as he takes off his shoes.

"I know. You're sweating and your hands are trembling." She says, smiling softly at the things his body did unconsciously when he was anxious. She found it funny. It made him cuter than he already was.

Ochakos cheeks turned red and she furrowed her eyebrows, crossed her arms, and turned her head away from Izuku. Her last thought caught her off guard and she didn't want him to see her blushing.

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