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Tw//self harm, eating disorder, mentions of past sexual abuse (sorry for any spelling mistakes O_o)

Ochako hated waking up, she hated Mondays, she hated school, and she hated carrying her bass guitar with her to school.

She could have left it in the music room, but she hated the idea of it getting damaged while she wasn't there. It was a gift she got from her parents in middle school and she wanted to take care of it. So she had to go through the embarrassing pain of making her hour-long commute to school with a heavy bass guitar (in its case) that was more than half her size on her back and her pink backpack on her front side.

She looked dumb and the only thing that made her pain more bearable was the dark clouds that covered the sky along with a light drizzle and Mina who walked to school with her.

She appreciated her company over the weekend and it made her feel a lot better. She just had to make sure she didn't break down in the middle of class. Especially since avoiding Izuku would be hard since they were in the same class. She took a deep breath and sighed as she let it out.

"Stop being so anxious. You're gonna be fine." Mina says, giving her a supportive smile. Ochako looks up at her and tries to smile back, but fails.

Mina looks at her worriedly. "Don't worry. I've got you. All I want you to do is practice hard and do a good job so we can have fun after the concert, alright?!" Mina says as they reach the music room so Ochako could put down her guitar for when she needs it after school.

Ochako lets out a soft chuckle and nods. "Alright. I'll try." She says

She starts fidgeting as they make their way to their classroom. Ochako holds her breath as Mina opens the door. She was sure if she saw Izuku she would start bawling. It would be awkward to explain since the only person in their class that Ochako was aware knew about their break up was Mina.

But luckily she saw his chair was empty and she felt like she could breathe again. She quickly made it to her seat, and instantly put her head down. She was tired and already so overwhelmed.

She had barely slept last night despite the fact Mina was laying right next to her. She was too busy reading the old messages between her and Izuku and looking at all the pictures she took of him. She was trying to figure out where she went wrong, and how she could fix it.

"Eh- Don't fall asleep Ocha." She hears Mina say next to her. Ochako lifts her head, her eyes still closed. "But we have 15 minutes left before class starts." Ochako whines. Mina only chuckles and shakes her head.

Mina looks up to look around the classroom and just so happens to make eye contact with Izuku just as he walks through the door. He stares back at her with a puzzled expression and the tension in the room thickness.

It's not that he has an issue with Mina, it's just that he noticed she was standing next to what looked like a sleeping Ochako, and the blank look he gave her let him know that she knew what happened between them over the weekend. It made him irritated. No matter what happened to Ochako, she always had to be there. Even when it was none of her business.

He huffs and rolls his eyes, slumping down into his chair, not bothering to greet Bakugou–who had seen the whole silent interaction between them–as he usually does.

The sudden awkward tension doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of the class. It was actually quite hard to sit in. Mina pouts and tries to shake off the feeling.

"You're staying after school today, right? Want me to wait for you?" Mina asks, trying to keep Ochako up and alert and also distract her from the fact her ex just walked into the classroom.

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