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A/N- lolz sorry for taking so long to update. I got hit with a random depression episode.

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When Izuku wakes tup, the sun is shining on his face and he feels something resting on his stomach. Tired and confused, he lifts up his blanket to see Ochako hugging him and her head resting on his stomach. She was sleeping peacefully and it made him smile.

He remembered everything that had happened last night. And although it hurt, he realized that everything had ended up being okay. He had Ochako back and she was his girlfriend again. He couldn't ask for anything better than that. Just the fact that Ochako forgave him was enough for him.

He gently lifts her off of him so he could get up. He was feeling hungry and he was sure his mom was home by now. Normally, he would wake Ochako up, but he knew she was tired so he let her rest.

"Good morning Izuku." Inko greets quietly. She was sitting at the dining room table with a mug in her hands. Izuku gives her a soft smile. "Good Morning." Izuku greets her, sitting down across from her.

"Did you sleep well?" She asks. That tended to be one of the daily questions she asked Izuku over the last few months. Especially since the bags under his eyes only seemed to grow darker.

Izuku nods. "Actually, I slept really well." He says. That seemed to ease Inko's mind, but she still had another question to ask.

"Did you buy snacks last night?" She asks her gaze on the plastic bag that was in the middle of the table that Ochako had brought with her.

Izuku shakes his head. "If it's about the sake, it's not mine, it's Ochakos. I didn't have any." Izuku said, giving her a sincere look. He knew she was overprotective about things like that. He could tell his answer eased her mind and he didn't want to think about the reaction she'd have if she caught him smoking.

"Ochako was here?" She asks, confused. By now she knew what happened between them and Izuku hadn't talked about her since he told his mom. Izuku mentally face palms but then remembers she would find out either way because Ochako was sleeping in his bed.

"Yeah. She came over last night. She's in my room. She's still sleeping." Izuku says, looking down, picking at his nails.

Inko takes a sip of her tea. "You should have told me. I would have brought breakfast for her as well." She says. Izuku chuckles. "Sorry. She came over really late." He says.

"Why? Do her parents know she's here?" Inko asks. She knew she wasn't supposed to pry into business that didn't involve her, but she was still concerned for Ochako. Especially since she had randomly visited late at night when she and Izuku hadn't spoken to each other in months.

"Uh. I don't think her parents know she's here. It was like almost three am when she called and got here. She was having a mental breakdown." Izuku says quietly. He didn't really want to expose Ochakos business behind her back. And he didn't want to remember any of the events of last night that made him cry. When Ochako told him she was close to committing suicide but didn't because of him, it felt like someone ripped his heart right out of his chest.

"Is she okay now?" Inko asks. Izuku nods. "I think so. She seemed happy before she went to sleep." Izuku says. Inko smiles, seeing the way her son's expression became more relaxed just by saying that Ochako was okay.

"I'm going to rest now." Inko says, standing up and putting her mug in the sink. "Make something for Uraraka when she wakes up, okay?" Izuku nods. "I will."

Izuku gets up once his mom disappears down the hallway. He heads back to his room to check on Ochako and change out his pajamas.

"Good morning Mochi." Izuku says, as he sees Ochako sitting up on his bed, her hair messy and sticking out in several directions. She looked tired, but well rested.

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