Chapter 1

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          Emma walked happily down the streets toward the market. She needed a few ingredients for the stew she was making later that night. Suddenly, an increasingly loud shout echoed from above her. She looked up to see a blue blur falling, crashing down right in front of her. She recognized the scream and the attire of the young man well. She knelt down beside him.
          "Wild buffalo in their rough stage?" She asked.
Aro looked up at her. "The roughest." He said, instantly letting his face fall back into the dirt path.
          Emma grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. "Well, maybe you can help me carry ingredients instead." She towed him along behind her.
          "But I'll miss my quota."
           She looked at him before rolling her eyes. "When have you ever made your quota in the past? You'll still get half pay like always, so chill out."
           Aro slumped over and frowned, knowing she was right. "I could still try," he said, crossing his arms as he was dragged along.
          Emma shook her head. "You have a new mission now: help me with groceries."
          Aro sighed and put his hand to his forehead. "Sir, yes sir." He said. After arriving at the market, Aro began to look around for what he had been requested to obtain. Upon looking to the higher shelves, he noticed a new building up on a hill. He squinted at it, wondering if he'd hit his head on the way down. He tapped Emma on the shoulder, pointing to the building. "You remember seeing that tavern before today?" He asked.
          She looked up at it and shook her head. "Maybe we should investigate." She said.
          "You don't drink." Aro responded.
          Emma smiled. "No, and that's mostly because I'm not old enough to. But I know you do anyway, so why don't we go check it out?"
          Aro's face showed slight annoyance. "First of all, I don't actively drink, especially not if the booze doesn't taste good. Second of all, I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind if we took a little detour. Let's go." Putting the groceries back on their shelves, the two made their way up the hill to the tavern, which had a large painted electric blue fox out front, a few painted tankards of ale alongside it. Aro pushed the door open to see many men and women sitting around the open room, laughing, drinking, and having a good time. Majestic guitar echoed around the room, the beautiful tool strummed by a man in green in the corner. The bartender waved and motioned for them to come over. Aro smiled and obliged. He sat down next to Emma at the bar.
          The bartender leaned over in front of him. "Now, now, young man, I know you're not of legal age to drink, but don't tell your parents, eh?" He slid a tankard over to Aro, whose smile grew.
          "Thanks, mister. Say, when did this tavern-" He was cut off by someone slamming the door open. In walked a navy clad knight. He sat down next to Aro and removed his helmet.
           The bartender smiled warmly at him while holding a finger up to Aro. "May I help you, noble knight?" Aro rolled his eyes and took a sip, offering the tankard to Emma, who shook her head and pushed it back.
           The knight scoffed. "I've never seen this tavern here before." He said.
           The bartender's smile began to fade. "Whatever do you mean?" He asked.
           The knight smiled. "You're up to something. This tavern wasn't here yesterday, was it?"
          "Actually, this tavern has been here a while now." The knight and the bartender looked over to Aro, who was smiling mischievously. "As a matter of fact, me and my friend here have come every day after work since the place was finished."
          The bartender smiled. "As you can clearly see, the Stormy Fox has plenty of registered regulars."
          The knight chuckled. "You think I'll just listen to the word of a lowly hunter?" He asked.
           Aro frowned. "Hey mister I'm a hunter who's almost finished his magic training."
          The knight laughed, holding up his hand. "You wanna see some real magic power, kid? Well here you go."  The knight launched a golden spike from his palm, which embedded itself into the small board that six wanted posters hung from. "I'm an upper class knight. Best not mess with me, kid." He got up and placed his helmet on his head. "I'll be back with more knights if you don't show me the proper registration by tomorrow. You should know where to find me." He exited the tavern, slamming the door behind him.
           The bartender breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks, kid, I think you really saved me."
           Aro smiled. "Just returning a favor." He said. 
           The bartender smiled. "Give people the best you have, and the best will come back to you. It's always good to be kind to others."
           Aro nodded. "I agree. Anyways, back to what I was saying. You and I both know that this tavern wasn't here yesterday, so maybe you could tell me why that is, huh?"
           The bartender smiled. "Well, since you saved the place, maybe I can tell you. I think I can trust you, after all."
           Aro nodded. "Hunter's honor." He said. The bartender raised an eyebrow at Emma, who smiled and nodded.
           "She can keep a secret?" He asked. Aro nodded.  The bartender smiled. "Well, I have a secret about this place." Aro nodded and leaned in closer. The bartender followed. "This place has legs and walks around." Aro frowned.
           Emma rolled her eyes. "You're kidding." She said.
           The bartender shook his head. "Come back tonight and I'll show you. I'm headed out cuz sir Spikefist is coming for me."
           "Even if this house walks, where would a guy like you get a place like this?"
           The bartender seemed confused. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.
           Aro scratched the back of his head as sweat dropped from his forehead. "Well, uh, I just meant you don't look like you have that sort of magical power. I can always tell, don't ask me how."
           The bartender smiled and shrugged. "Well, you're right about one thing. I didn't make this place. Won it off a witch named Yaga. She was real upset when she lost her house to a 'guy like me,'as you put it."
           Aro chuckled nervously. "Yeah, sorry about that."
           The bartender smiled and laughed. "Don't worry, just giving you a hard time, relax."
           Aro looked over to where the spike had landed. "So who are those guys in the wanted posters?" The bartender looked over to the board. He ripped the spike out of the wall and dropped it to the ground.
           "Those, my boy, are the most notorious criminals in all of Tritanus. The Dragon's Bounty."
           Aro shivered as he heard the name. "Sound scary." He said, looking around at all their pictures.
           "My dad used to tell me stories about them, the crimes they committed." Emma said. "But that was years ago, people seem to have forgotten about them."
           The bartender shook his head. "Oh no, they'll never truly forget. Every few years the king will add a little to their bounty. Would you like to hear about them?" Aro and Emma nodded excitedly. "Well, first is Captain Storm, with lightning running through his veins, next is The Spider, as long as he is connected to the earth, his strength is rivaled by few, The Phoenix, flames behind every strike he takes, The Shadow, fueled by darkness, which gives him strength, The Butterfly, an elegant touch with a powerful sting, and The Dolphin, who may not be the strongest, but he certainly is the smartest. These are the members of The Dragon's Bounty."
           Aro and Emma looked at each other in excitement. "What did they do that was so bad?" Aro asked.
           The bartender smiled. "It's getting close to lunch time, go and be with your families, perhaps that is a story for when we meet again." Aro and Emma smiled and nodded, walking out of the tavern with excited smiles on their faces.
           "Can't wait to hear more about them." Aro said.
           Emma nodded. "I know they're evil and all, but still I want to know more." Aro nodded as they walked back down the street.

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