Ch. 13 - Wolves in Cages

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Ardaik 7th - Central Ocean

Sitting in the cells was an experience that forced Rowan to reevaluate what the term "uncomfortable" truly meant. Firstly, there was water; or at least what Rowan told himself was water, making everything just wet enough that it soaked through pants or anything else that came into contact with it.

The bars on the bottom of the cage made the floor uneven and more uncomfortable than just sitting on wet wood. They were impossible to sleep on, yet some of the prisoners had already dozed off. Artus and Flann still weren't back, and Rowan was starting to wonder if they would be back at all or if they'd either struck some sort of deal or been given better accommodations. But then his worry began to take over; what if there was a more sinister reason for their delay? What if Artus needed help? The thought kept him awake as the ship began to roll more noticeably.

"Storm's coming..." a voice beside him noted, coming from the cell with only a single prisoner. Rowan hardly gave him a glance; he wasn't in the mood for conversation.

"You and your friends don't look like the standard fair..."

"We're not criminals, if that's what you mean," Rowan shot back.

"No, you're not...then one has to wonder how you ended up detained as one?"

"Why should I tell you?" Rowan wondered defiantly.

"Because I'm an innocent man, and I thought we might help each other." The man had shifted a bit closer now, his tone hushed. Rowan looked him over carefully. He was dressed decently, no beggar for sure, a tradesman if he had to guess.

Rowan glanced at the guard before scooting a little closer to the side of the cage nearest the stranger. "How so?"

Rowan's reply seemed to spark excitement in the stranger's eyes. "I can open the lock on this cell anytime I wish to, but it's not just a matter of simply walking out. I'd need help."

"A distraction—and how's that any help to us?"

"I can open your cell as well...and—"

"We'd just be captured and brought right back. If you haven't noticed, we're on a ship and heavily outnumbered."

"This ship, yes...but you had a ship of your own, yes?" the man wondered, and Rowan's eyes widened a moment as the stranger's plan began to sound more reasonable by the second.

"We did! A ketch, in fact—"

"Shhh—shhh," the man said, glancing past Rowan at the guard, who tossed a gruff "quiet!" at them. Once the guard turned back around, the man let out a breath and began to speak in a whisper.

"When the moment is right...remember that the weapons are stored on the second deck, behind the stairs," the stranger explained before leaning back away from the bars to avoid drawing any more attention to them.

Rowan mirrored the action. Despite having so many new questions and problems for his mind to work on, he continued to go back to Artus and how long he'd been gone. Suddenly, a crack of thunder made Rowan jump.

"The storm's here..." the man noted as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, feigning sleep.

A few minutes later, Flann and Sebastien were returned to the brig. Some twenty minutes after that, warm food was brought to Rowan, Kenton, and the other two guards—an offering that very quickly drew the attention of the other prisoners. Edna was even chained just outside of her cell for a short time to eat, courtesy to her so the other two women wouldn't be a bother.


"Admiral, the lightning is getting bad," the captain said after poking his head into the admiral's office, rain pouring from the brim of his hat. "I've raised our main sail and may raise the aft one soon."

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