Ch. 24 - The White Dragon

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Ardaik 8th - Central Ocean

Auganull squared his body at the five ships that stole across the eastern trade route toward Malton, their lanterns turned down and sails at full, counting on the cloak of darkness to aid their escape.

"Shall we light up the night with fire, old friend?" Obi inquired from the dragon's back while adjusting his grip on his staff. Mr. Elijah Pol had been kind enough to divulge the name of the ship that the prince was on, and that was their target. The others could be Auganull's playthings after Obi had what he sought—his relic.

The dragon's only response was a deep rumbling sound, a half laugh and half growl, as he swept down upon the fleet like the shadow of death itself.

Below, one of the sailors paused as the night suddenly became darker and looked up with horror to find the moon and stars briefly obstructed by blackness before being shattered by an eruption of orange flames. A vulgar crack split the night as their main mast was snapped apart and came crashing down into the deck below, and by now, alarm bells and the shouts of sailors were beginning to flood the upper deck with panic.

When the dragon touched down on the back of the ship, the entire vessel began to rear on its stern. With the efficiency of a bear tearing through a termite mound, the dragon began to pull open the captain's quarters.

"No prince here..." Auganull grumbled once the entire quarter deck had been swept from the top of the ship.

"Then he must be hiding below. Take the entire ship apart if you must," the necromancer said coolly as he stroked the obsidian orb on the end of his staff.

The dragon turned his attention to the main deck, pulled back his arm, and drove his claws into the wood, tearing back the first deck. The sailors within scurried about, like insects fleeing to the corners of the hull as the dragon continued to dig through the ship, grabbing men and tossing them aside once he realized they were not his mark.

"So, the fiend has returned..." Flavien breathed as he watched the carnage from the deck of his ketch.

"Ready to open fire, Sir!" one of the officers informed, but instead, Flavien held up his hand.

"Stay your fire...we'll not be engaging in a fight we stand no chance of winning," Flavien hissed as he stepped past the officer, who turned and followed him. "Stow the cannons and ready the boats...prepare to abandon ship should that monster turn its eyes on us."  There was a grim forbearance in his tone as he lifted his chin and tried to look as stoic and calm as possible while issuing his orders.

"Yes, Sir," replied the sailor before leaving Flavien's company to inform the rest of the crew of their new orders, leaving Flavien alone as he watched the dragon savagely dismantle the galleon.

Aboard the Retribution, Paniel parted through his sailors as they raced to get to their battle stations. His second-in-command stopped him briefly on his way to the top of the quarter-deck.

"Orders, Sir?"

"Return fire at our gunmen's earliest convenience, Mr. Kelber!" Paniel shouted above the violent deconstructing of the other galleon and the angry spray of the sea before putting a hand on the shoulder of his coxswain. "Hold our heading, Yves!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Officer Kelber stepped closer, his words quick and sharp. "The Rose is doomed, Paniel. Is it wise to possibly draw that thing's attention?"

Paniel eyed the other man for a breath, and Kelber seemed to feel that his momentary silence meant that more needed to be said. "With his highness on board?"

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