Ch. 21 - Arrangements to be Made

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Ardaik 5th – Letter Addressed to the Merchant Guild Director of the Lorellian branch

Dear Sir,

I am sending this letter ahead of myself in the hopes that it shall reach you near the time our ship makes landfall. Enclosed you'll find copies of my proposal along with the attending evidence to support the immediate and unreserved expulsion of one, Brice Lawrence Wulf, from conducting further business on the merchant guild's behalf. I believe all the paperwork to be in order, and you will find my case quite compelling. We should make landfall in Causter on the 8th to unload our prisoners. There is no need to rush, for I am sure that the festival activities will delay the processing of our cargo should we arrive any earlier.

Proficiency aside, I will put here that which has no place in any objective report and acknowledge that I did indeed go against your advisement to not involve myself further with Mr. Wulf and his questionable business practices. It is beyond my nature to not act where I see flagrant disregard for the guild and what it stands for. For any who be found in contempt of our cause, I would direct their attention to all that our guild does, not just in Lorellia but across all lands, for without us, all would be subject to prices made at the whims of their local lords regardless of fairness or affordability of price! For without the guild, goods would be subject to greater tax. For without the guild, trade routes would be left unprotected, or newer, faster routes never forged at all! Our purpose transcends kingdom lines for a cause more righteous than any single man may hold, including Mr. Wulf, though I believe he would venture to argue that point.

As you already deduced, the man does vex me and has grieved me at several turns, though not so much as the council every time they have allowed him to go free with little more than a mere slap on the wrist. I know not what favor grants him amnesty, but surely this time, even you must see that he is not worthy of association with our prestigious guild, and further business actions would not only tarnish the Merchant Guild's reputation but yours and mine as well for the allowance of it.

It is with that in mind that I will await your arrival in Causter, where we may speak further. It has been long since we last spoke, and there is much more to say that I shall not put to ink.

- Flavien Narcisse Vidal II
Merchant Guild Emissary
First Class, Lorellian East Division


Ardaik 7th – Letter Addressed to the Merchant Guild Director of the Lorellian branch

Dear Sir,

I write to inform you that our plans have regrettably changed, and we shall not be docking in Causter as originally intended. We were making good time towards our intended destination when we happened upon a single merchant ship accompanied by an unmarked stolen vessel. One could forgive me for thinking that pirates were the culprit; however, you'll no doubt be most interested and astounded to hear that it was none other than Artus Moreau Viotto, the crowned prince himself.

The arrogance of nobles is quite astonishing, and I make no attempt to hide the fact that I may have derived some joy from taking the prince into custody, if for no other reason than to humble the young pup. He may indeed need more humbling than that, however, for at dinner, he still had the audacity to brandish a weapon against me in some idle threat. I would not go so far as to say I had not deserved it, though it was still quite unbecoming of a young man of his standing. The saints save us if he should take the throne; perhaps I should begin looking for a transfer to Cardenar in the future. The admiral has taken some heed of the royal and changed our course towards La'Trest—some talk of an attack. It is of no matter to me, as La'Trest cells will hold our prisoners just as well as those in Causter. We will wait there until I hear word from you. There was also an old friend of yours accompanying the prince; he says to send his regards, though from the sound of it, he should be writing you soon enough in his own words.

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