Chapter 3

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"Last full day of freedom," Castiel said, poking Azriel, "Shall we spend it as always?" With their new training starting soon as well as the lessons that Tori decided she was going to force them to go to, they would not have much time to spend with their friends anymore.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Azriel smiled and shoved his brother over before racing from the room and down to the stables. Castiel quickly recovered and was right on his heels.

"Good morning fellow citizens!" Raz yelled as the two boys came into view of the others. Azriel came to a quick stop five feet from the others and Cas, who did not think of stopping as quickly slammed into him and the two fell into the dust laughing. Zahara was quick to help them up and wrap each of them in a quick hug. Everything seemed subdued. There were even stubborn clouds blocking out the sun, making the day seem overcast and somber. Kol offered Azriel a small smile and Raz tried to lighten the mood, Zahara acted all motherly, Cas attempted to talk as much as he could with everyone, Azriel was quiet, and Ezra looked uncomfortable.

"-So boys you better not forget about us with all your Princly duties and lessons, alright," Zahara concluded her statement, Azriel hadn't been paying attention to anything else she had been saying, all he caught was the very end statement.

"I know mother," He grinned at the dark skinned girl across from him, although he was already zoning out again, slipping away from the real world and retreating into his mind. Before he could fully zone out again he caught sight of a figure in the dark doorway of the barn. He squinted and realized it was Tommy. He was alone for a change, watching their group, probably looking for a way to get back at Azriel. Azriel decided to confront him and reasoned that he looked like shit, so he probably couldn't take him if it came to a fight. Azriel's body was aching from the hits he'd taken, so Tommy was probably even worse off.

"Hang up guys, I'll be right back," Azriel said, slipping away from the group as Zahara playfully teased Cas.

When he got to the barn Tommy had disappeared. Azriel entered cautiously, this could all be a trap, get Azriel alone and make him pay.

"Tommy?" he asked quietly, trying to locate the blonde boy. The voices were getting riled again. They wanted him to finish Tommy off, and a part of him felt like he wanted to, but he shrugged it off.

"Hello, Azriel," A soft voice spoke, as Tommy popped up from the inside of an empty stall. Azriel noticed that up close, his hair was much lighter, more of a white blonde than a golden blonde.

"Why were you watching us Tommy? Were you trying to get me alone to ambush me for humiliating you?" Azriel questioned suspiciously. He treaded carefully, he still had his guard up, not knowing what to expect from the other boy, although one of the voices that wasn't screaming bloody murder told him he should invite Tommy to join their inner circle.

"I just wanted to offer you some information if you'll take it," Tommy said "And, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for all the shit I've given you, you had the right to snap and get angry, actually I want to thank you, that probably knocked some sense into me."

"Why would I take information from you?" Azriel asked, ignoring his apology "What could you possibly tell me that I don't already know?"

"There's a traitor in your midst, someone is lying to you. One who claims to be a friend. Take my information or don't, but I can be helpful to you," Tommy said, moving out of the stall and closer. "Bring me into the light as your right hand man, and we can do great things. I know I don't deserve it, but I will do anything you request to show my loyalty. I'm tired of people like Mark and Vance who helped me for a favor or money. Just, think about it,"

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