Chapter 2: The Travelers

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As Hydrium grabbed the controls of the Vanguard, he took stock of the situation. Marooned around an alien world by a mysterious god being with a temper and with a possible threat coming up. It didn't look good.

Looking at the map of the universe, Hydrium could see that the Vanguard's indicator had left the map entirely. The map was rapidly moving forwards - galaxies rapidly flying past. Pristatrek, Xidsii, Thetillathian... The names went on and on before a galaxy came into view. "Hyliak Galaxy".

Ank then ran into the room - still putting his jeans on. He took a moment to look at the map and then said "We're at the arse end of the universe. Monsters lie here. Yechtors, Vahls, Rilliks... Horrible creatures of horrible horribleness."

Hydrium shuddered - remembering Sleedster's prophecy. As he looked at the planet now, he could see its surface features. Light from a small red dwarf star allowed him to see the orange and brown surface. Light blue polar caps extended downwards. A singular lake sat in the south.

In any other circumstance, Hydrium would have been awed by the planet.

Now, he saw it as a frightening enigma. Furiously pressing the dimension warp button, he very quickly realized that it wasn't working.

Ank looked at the map again and saw as it zoomed up to the planet's name. "Sarra" he said. "That's all that's on there. We must be so far out that all that's present is a name. And the Trident Foundation holds records for planets stretching as far out as the Junkesian Galaxy. I'll check the database of my TARDIS.". Ank then stalked out of the control room.

"I mean, we can't complain too much," said Hadley "I guess it's at least a place to land. Hydrium, you think you can land the Vanguard?"

"Probably best we scout the surface first. Fly around a little bit and see if we can land."

Ank then walked back into the control room. "'Sarra. A cold titan with one small lake. Main settlement of Ghestikion built by the nearby Urk'jha'unar Travellers. Nearby this settlement is a mysterious temple.'".

Fel then broke out of his shock at what had happened. "Noticing a very gray sky. It's also pretty cold. Like literally freezing. Reminds me of home." Fel then piloted the Vanguard onto Sarra's surface.

Plumes of brown dust were kicked up by the Vanguard's engines.

"I'm coming up on a settlement." said Fel, piloting the Vanguard forwards. What they saw next was awe-inspiring.

A massive structure of black spires stretched out for a few miles. A massive dome made of a glass-like material sat around it. Red lights blinked around the structure. This was Ghestikion.

"Wow." said Fel. "I think the only place that most of you hot bloods' blood won't freeze in is that structure... Ghestikion."

"How cold is this planet?" asked Hydrium.

"Negative hundreds. I'll try to land in the city."

Ank then yelled out "We're on a planet inhabited by the Urk'jha'unar Travellers! That must be the settlement of Ghestikion.Heard of it while I was on Thay'Jar - another world colonized by the Urk'jha'unar Travellers. "

Hydrium seemingly ignored this. "Anyone got protective gear in case we need to leave the ship?"

Ank babbled on. "The Urk'jha'unar Travellers usually place protective bubbles around their colonies. They built one on a world constantly blasted by the sun."

Hydrium turned his head to Ank. "That answers a staggering 0% of my question."

Hadley added to this. "Who are these travelers anyway?"

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