Chapter 7: The Mirik

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"You're locusts." said Ank - with sheer hatred and rage in his voice. "Interdimensional parasites that burn dimensions. I've seen your work. Entire universes enslaved or killed. I've been tortured by the Mirik before."

Grim advanced on the Resistance. He was almost immediately knocked out by Hydrium hitting on the head with a baton.

"Ash," Hydrium looked directly at Ash. "I feel like at this point you'd have to be downright stupid not to leave. Look at what happened."

Ash began stuttering out of fear. "I.. I can't."

"What the fuck do you mean you can't?"

Ash then pointed at the door - which was guarded by a Mirik.

Hydrium's heart lurched. "I thought you were gonna say you were compelled to stay by Marin. Speaking of which, where'd she go?"

As Marin watched, she could see Ha'kleth throw her lover's father - Ank - to the ground. Ha'kleth then strode over to her. "You will unleash the prisoner."

For a brief second, Marin forgot who the prisoner was. Then she remembered what the plan that Ha'kleth had given to her was.

There was a pause as Ha'kleth expected Marin to begin the summoning. What she did instead shocked her. She said no.

"What do you mean no?!" Ha'kleth said angrily.

Marin then ripped off the fake head that she wore - revealing her true Mirik face. "I said no!", she declared as she tossed it onto the ground. "I remember what you did to my family! You killed them! You butchered my people!"

Marin could then feel Ha'kleth's fingers wrapping around her throat - her nails digging into the flesh of her neck as Ha'kleth began squeezing on her neck.

Hydrium then fired on Ha'kleth. Ha'kleth simply absorbed the energy of the blast and fired it back at Hydrium.

Ha'kleth turned her head back to Marin as Hydrium dodged his own blast. "You will unleash the creature at the center of the temple. The convict."

Marin replied with a defiant no.

"You will release the Cylox prisoner." Ha'kleth turned her head to Ash. "If you don't, I will kill your creature.". Ash whimpered

Marin's shoulders sank as she dejectedly walked over to a console. "I suppose I have no choice.". Defeat filled her voice as she began pressing buttons.

Hydrium then turned his head to Ank. "This entire problem would have been prevented if someone had taught Ash the concept of stranger danger."

Ank then looked at Hydrium angrily. "This is not the right time."

"Yeah says the guy who got drunk while we were busy trying to rescue your daught-"

Ank then slapped Hydrium. "I'm not the best father. There. I admitted it. Are you happy? Do you want me to admit that I have unhealthy relationships?! That I'm a drunken bastard that fucks everything in sight?! Do you?!"

Loboto then looked at Ank. "Honestly yes but this isn't the best time for this. We need a way to fix this problem."

Marin stabbed a final button down. The sound of a heart beating could be heard from all around the pyramid.

Ha'kleth stood triumphantly - a look of sheer malice upon her face. "Soon, we will use the prisoner to unleash the infection across this universe!"

The heartbeat quickened - becoming more regular. Once this was complete, a blinding light pierced through the near pitch black of the pyramid. Everyone was almost blinded but Ha'kleth. In the center of the light was a feeble figure with a massive cranium and pale skin.

"Everything will be ours!"

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