Chapter 2

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A few seconds later they were on the Enterprise and Riker picked Wesley up and headed to Sickbay.

When he got there he saw Beverly, Jack and Picard waiting for him.

"What happened?" Beverly asked while he put him down.

"He was dizzy and I knew it but still let him come. I don't know why he was dizzy but know he's awful at lying." Riker said while Beverly checked on Wesley and had an idea what was wrong.

"Ogawa, I need you to get me an ultrasound." Beverly said.

"WHAT?!" Jack, Riker and Picard yelled.

"You know he's a herm and they had sex a few months ago. It's possible even though he takes a birth control every day."

They were still shocked but nodded knowing she was right.

Then Ogawa came in and Beverly pulled up his shirt and saw a small bump.

Then she put some jelly on his stomach and saw a baby.

"Oh my god." Beverly, Jack, Riker and Picard said together.

"He's pregnant?!" Riker said.

"WHAT?!" they heard someone say and jumped then saw it was Wesley.

"Wesley!" they said together.

"Please tell me you're kidding." Wesley said.

"I'm not kidding Wes, you really are pregnant." Beverly said.

"Where am I?"

"Thirteen weeks."

He laid there in silence then came back.

"Not even gonna bother asking for an abortion because I know it's a week past your limit." he said and she nodded.

"Don't worry Mr. Crusher, we'll be there for you." Picard said and put a hand on his arm.

Jack was to shocked to say anything while Wesley looked at Picard and nodded.

"Thank you sir." he said.

Picard nodded and left.

Then Wesley laid there quietly.

"He's right Wes. We'll be there for you. We're a family." Riker said.

Wesley nodded.

"Alright Wes, I wanna see you every three weeks and check on the twins. You usually have one around thirty seven weeks." Beverly said and he nodded.

"Can I go now?" he asked and she nodded.

Then he got up and headed to find his boyfriend.

"This will be interesting." Jack said and Beverly nodded.

When he found him he was at Ten Forward.

"Hey." Wesley said a little nervous.

"Hey." his boyfriend said and gave him a kiss.

"I, um, have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"You know I'm a herm?" Wesley said and he nodded. "I, I'm thirteen weeks pregnant!"

His boyfriend stood there in shock.

Then he came back.

"Get rid of it." he said.


"Get rid of it."

"I can't! I'm a week past my mom's limit!"

"Then we're done."

Wesley stood there quietly while everyone else looked at them.

"W-what?" Wesley said.

"We're done. I never wanted a family."

Wesley looked at him.

"Fine. I have the rest of my family and friends. They'll stay with me." he said and left.

Then everyone looked at his now ex.

"Nice." Satter said.

"What?" Wesley's ex asked.

"You don't know what kind of a life Wesley has had. He's saved us multiple times and his dad was in a coma when he was only five years old."

They all nodded.

"We're lucky Wes stayed here instead of going to the academy." Geordi said. "If he did then it wouldn't be the same and I need a lot of help now and then."

They all nodded.

Wesley's ex sighed and went to his quarters.

When Wesley got engineering he tried to focus on something he had had been working on himself.

Then Geordi came and asked Riker where he was.

"He's working on what he's trying to make." Riker said and he nodded and headed to Wesley.

"Wes?" he said and Wesley looked at him.

"Yeah?" he said.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, just working on this to keep myself busy."

Geordi nodded then looked at him.

"I talked to captain and asked him if I could make you my assistant since you spend so much time here." he said ending snickering while Wesley turned a little red and the others started laughing.

Riker the hardest.

"Stop laughing!" Wesley said still red.

When they calmed down they got back to work.

"Anyway, you up for the job I'm offering?" Geordi asked.

Wesley smiled.

"Yeah, I'm up for that!" he said.

"Alright then."

Then they headed to the Ready Room.

When they got there they sat down and Picard waited.

"I asked Wes if he wanted to be my assistant." Geordi said.

"And?" Picard said smiling a little.

"I said yes sir." Wesley said smiling.

"Alright then, until you get to far for Dr. Crusher's liking you can stay at engineering. But when she says you're to far you come back to the bridge."

Wesley crossed his arms as they all thought.

"Hmph. Fine." he said and Picard, Jack and Geordi snickered.

"Good. Now we have to tell everyone else you're pregnant."

Wesley nodded.


"I also heard from councilor Troi ensign Jameson left you." Picard said and Wesley, Riker and Geordi nodded again.

"Yes sir." Wesley said.

"You know we'll be there for you right?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. You're dismissed."

They nodded and got up then headed back to engineering.

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