Chapter 3

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It had been two months since Wesley found out he was pregnant and was now twenty one weeks.

He found out he's having a boy and he had a name already.

His ex had been kicked off the Enterprise so Wesley could focus on the baby and work.

He was back on the bridge but was working until the day he has him.

He's due on July 22.

He had been feeling faux contractions all week but had been able to fight it.

He's on the bridge more often now and setting them off for a new adventure.

Picard wasn't happy he's working for so long but at the same time wasn't surprised.

They all were, especially people that were on the Enterprise when it started.

Picard, Riker, Data, Worf, Geordi, Wesley, Beverly and Deanna have been on the Enterprise for six years now.

After being an ensign for three years now Picard knew Wesley was ready for the next step.

Something was coming in the next few months and was going to think about this.

Jack had still been training him like when he was an acting ensign.

Picard was going to have to talk to him and an admiral about this but after all the times he's saved them and how long he's been here he already has a feeling it was going to happen.

Meanwhile Wesley was in engineering helping Geordi with something.

"What do you think?" Geordi asked.

"I think it's to tight. So maybe if we loosen the bolt it'll work." Wesley said, loosened it then got it half way as tight. "That should do it." he said and looked at Geordi. "Try it now."

Geordi nodded, typed in what it needed and it worked.

They smiled and gave each other a high five.

"Awesome!" Geordi said smiling.

"You are so lucky I decided to stay here." Wesley said shaking his head and smirking.

"We really are." Spinner said and the others nodded.

"Thanks." Wesley said smiling.

Later he was at Sickbay getting looked at.

"OK, let's see how they're doing today." Beverly said and checked on him.

They saw them moving around a little and smiled.

"He's looking good. A little to small so you need to eat more. OK?" she said and he nodded. "When are you stopping?"

"I'm not stopping until I'm due."

She looked at him half surprised but at the same time not.

"I took maternal break at twenty five weeks and your father took a break at two weeks later. He didn't leave me until I got back to work when you were two months old. Captain would come visit now and then to check in on us."


"Yeah. He even lets your father call him his name unlike the others."

He sat there quietly thinking for a few minutes.

"I see him more as a second father now. Started doing it our second year here. When he made me an acting ensign a few months after we started I felt closer. Over time I got closer and saw Commander as an uncle and councilor as another mom. When you were gone they took good care of me. Even Geordi and Worf." he said.

"I think he sees you as a son now. After being here for seven years he looked after you more." she said and smiled. "He told me what you were doing while I was gone. Keep me posted every weekend."

He smiled.

"I should probably get back to work." he said, got up and headed to the bridge.

Before he got there he put the picture in his room.

A son, an Ensign and a familyWhere stories live. Discover now