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The rest of the day, I was happier then I was before because music helps when I'm upset. But I still wasn't completely happy, that sad feeling still lingered.

On the walk home, Gayeon and Lina decided they wanted to hangout at my house for a little.

I didn't mind at all, until they immediately started arguing as soon as we step foot into the house.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom" Gayeon says,

"What!? No! I already claimed it!" Lina says,  with wide eyes.

"No you didn't! I did! You were talking about the clouds the whole walk!" Gayeon protested.

"I did indeed talk about clouds! But I also called the bathroom! I just did it mentally, it still counts!"

Gayeon scoffs, "Your stupid! If we didn't hear it, it doesn't count!"

I sigh, "yall- chill- I have 2 bathrooms."

They look at me awkwardly, "oh..." they mumble in sync, and silently walk to the bathrooms.

I scoff, and go to the kitchen to get some snacks. I grab some chips, putting them on the counter as my phone starts ringing.

I pick it up, answering. "Hello Felix, how are you feeling"

"I think I'm better now"

"are you sure?"

"mhm, is it fine if i come over?"

"yeah, but I have people over"

"people? who?"

"these 2 girls named Gayeon and Lina"

"Gaye- oh god.. she likes me." He sighs.

"she does? damn.. are you still coming over?.."

"yeah, byee" he hangs up.

I put my phone down, and get some soda cans out the fridge when Lina comes out, and Gayeon dragging after her.

"omg, snacks! Can I go ahead and have some?" Gayeon asks,

"yes, of course" I smile, and Lina grabs a bag, walking to the livingroom with Gayeon following behind.

I grab one aswell, and go to sit beside them.
"Felix is coming over," I say, opening the bag of chips.

"Felix!?" They both say in sync, looking at me with wide eyes.

"yeah... why? Is there a problem?" I say, I know already that she likes him but I just want to hear her admit it.

"Um- no.. but I like him.." Gayeon mumbles,

"you do? oh-" I say, and Lina looked as if she was going to say something, but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"that was fast-" I mumble, getting up to let him in.

"Heyy guys" he walks in, smiling.

Gayeon shyly waves, and we both sit down.

"soo, what should we do?" Lina asks

"we should drink~" I look at them, searching for agreements.

"do you have any alcohol?" Gayeon asks, and I nod. "I have some in the fridge, I'll get it" I get up, going to the kitchen and grabbing alcohol, along with some shot glasses.

"so, yall wanna play a game?" I ask, sitting back down on the couch and setting the stuff on the coffee table in front of us.

"lets play truth or drink, we take turns asking questions, and you either have to answer it, or take a shot" Felix suggests, and everybody agrees.

"so it's my turn first right?" Gayeon asks, since she would be first if we went left to right.

"Yes, go ahead" Lina says.

"Okay, y/n. Have you ever been in a physical fight?" she asks, squinting her eyes at me curiously.

"no, I have not." I scoff,

"okay, me next! Felix, do you like anybody?" Lina asks, looking at him.

He pours a shot, drinking it.

I look at him, "mm, keeping secrets huh?"

"maybe, maybe not" he laughs a little, shrugging.

"suspicious, but its my turn now so Gayeon, have you had a first kiss?" I ask, and she pours a shot aswell, drinking it.

"wooow, if you haven't that'll be embarrasing" Lina teases her.

Felix scoffs, "my turn" he looks at me "y/n, why do you hate Hyunjin"

"why do I hate Hyunjin? Alot of reasons. He's rude, he's friends with Haechan and them, and he's just very, very annoying" I say, not even having to think of reasons.

"He's not that rude, y'know. You should give him a chance and we could become a trio or something"

"Trios never work out, and you know damn well he'll never become my friend, I'd give him a chance if he was actually nice to me. Nicest he ever was, was when he let me listen to music with his airpods. He'll never grow up, maybe in another life." I scoff, "anyways, its your turn Gayeon"

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(DISCONTINUED) In Another Life || Hyunjin - Y/N - FelixWhere stories live. Discover now